Caller: "Hi"
Callee: "Hi..."
*Some awkward silence as if the air says "What do I say now!?"
Caller: "Well then.... this is a bit awkward....Bye!"
But believe me, conversation with my best friend is far from that! I call, we start in, start one conversation, finish half of it and end up on another subject.. example: goes from how's life there 2000 miles away - wow, I feel like I live on the Sun.. that book, 95.000 Miles From The Sun.. is that what it's even called? - Anyways, so I might ask her what's new, we talk about that stuff, then what made our days, what didn't make our days, new stuff again, boys, school, people we used to hang out with, family, hypothetical situations and conversations.. and then if we notice that we've said certain words such as "bomb", "suicide", "murder", "government", "conspiracy" and so on... then we end up talking about how the government agents tap into your phone and an alarm goes off whenever you say certain words, so they end up listening to our crazy conversations for safety-of-the-world purposes and they're reaction is "What. The. F*ck. Are they talking about?" then they end up listening because they have nothing better to do and we are damn interesting! Then we go to talk about food, stupid people, people we used to hang out with again, new stuff, boys, stupid people, hypothetical conversations again..... damn, the list goes on! I suppose you could understand why one would listen to our conversations and have that reaction: "What. The. F*uck. Are they talking about?". But like I said, we are damn interesting, why would somebody not listen and have that reaction?
Isn't it great when you find people that are just like you? It's a bit scary, buy it's still great because then you can be best friends with yourself and not be called Narcissus for looking in the mirror all day. I have met four people like that, - not staring into the mirror! People like me, just wanted to clear that up before you started to make assumptions that would be wrong! - Jeff, Christian, Dynesha, and Kristen. Kristen is my best friend and I call her all the time. I have 3 and a half best friends; Tara, Dynesha, Kristen, and Jeff. Jeff is the half because I have only been talking to him for about 2 weeks now.. but he's still great enough to call half a best friend... Next weekend he might come over to my house and I'm going to straighten his hair - like one of my dreams in life, do not judge me! - and he's going to wear my blue duck feeties while I wear my pink panda feeties and we're going to eat popcorn and watch horror movies. It's going to a day to remember! :D But to be honest, if Jeff, Christian, Kristen, and I got together one day to hang out, the world better watch out! Because we are going to have a freaking blast! Lucky for the rest of the world though, Christian and Kristen sadly live 2000 miles away from me and Jeff.... you all can live.... at least until we meet again!
Well, this didn't turn out to be what I thought it would be about.. but that's okay! I haven't written a blog in a bit because I haven't known what to write about... but I suppose this is just as stupid as any other thing I've written about.. oh well, it's not like I actually have watchers... only myself - how do I not watch myself!? - and my mother... wow. I feel like a stupid super hero.. they all live with they're mothers, looking out the windows for "signals" that show them that full grown men that live with they're parents are still needed in the world. BALDERDASH! That is not true! It only speaks volumes of who wrote it!
*sigh* Why can a girl not be friends with a guy and not have some kind of "feelings" for him.. why does there always have to be something between them? Because sometimes that's not what is happening! We are just friends!!!
Now, for those of you who do not know what feeties are: here is a picture!
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