Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Today Kind of Sucked!

     Today was a day I've been looking forward to for about a week and a half, and it started out great! My make-up was great, I had an outfit planned, my sister and I didn't fight, I got to see my friend (his name is Chee just in case he ever comes up again lol)... yeah, it was great! Hell, the whole day was great! :D Except for one part... In math class there is this kid -yeah, it's a habit to call everyone "kid", but he's like my age, so he's not a kid.... by the way, I'm 16- named Zach. He's an arrogant pin-head who thinks he's just so funny with all his rude, snide, sarcastic comments on everything! He's especially mean to me, which I don't know why! Unless it's some 3rd grade "I like you so I'm gonna be mean to you" kind of thing... but guess what? This girl isn't taking any crap from that loser. -I'm not going into detail about what he said, but it certainly wasn't appropriate or nice, or really anything except lies and just down-right mean, and defiantly uncalled for. So I told him off, but of course that didn't do any good 'cause he's "just oh-so cool, and nothing can bring down his funny side" yeah, right, that unmentionable word..... And even though that didn't appear to work, -it may have- I just ignored him; example: I turned around to ask my friend Alyssia a question, and Zach just stared at me - what the fuck!?- I didn't even look at him. And he says "Hey, why aren't you looking at me? Hey!" yeah, whatever douche. But it seems to bother him something awful when I don't pay any attention.. so, I've decided that that's the best way to go about this issue.
     But even still when I got home, I had wanted to go shopping, but I had just had enough for one day! Thank God I got feetie pajamas for Christmas! 'Cause they're the best thing for a bad day! :D And even though my pink panda feeites, a cup of tea, Princess And the Frog, and a nice big fuzzy blanket didn't make my day.. I can tell you just what did! :D
What did make my day
- When my  parents got home from the store they bought a new coffee maker, and in the instruction manual which I happened to flip through, I found - you're never gonna guess! - a picture of a cup of coffee and a muffin :D
- I was working on my chemistry homework; an exam review word search - it sounds simple, but my chemistry is taught at a college level, and the word search was pretty intricate; you had to do other stuff to the clue to get the right answer, then find the answer in the word search part- so I was working on that for like a long a*s time when I had calmed myself down a bit, and while in class Mr. Barerra - my chemistry teacher, he's awesome! - mentioned that he's never had anybody find all of the answers and words. And just guess what I did!? I freaking finished it!!! :D

     Now, this is kind of random, - but I am the Queen of Randomness, come on now! - but I was thinking of some things, as well of accidentally searching some of this stuff while doing my word search.
   Here they are:
-  Life is like a word search, don't search, just happen to come across it and you'll have more fun along the way. *said my me, now don't steal it! That's not nice!*
- Why do english written text books have a spanish glossary? We don't need it!
- A tooth brush that sings "My Shiny Teeth and Me" *Also my idea, so don't steal that either!!* Link below :D
- Apparently oxygen makes Superman sick, just in case anyone is looking to get him outta the way for a bit

     Okay! I suppose that's it, and I shall be getting to bed for yet another day of school! Talk to you later! :D -whoever you are lol - Thank you! <3 :D

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