Monday, January 9, 2012

     So yesterday I blogged about apples, today, I'm going to blog about horror films! (One of my favorite genres of movies!)
      Today I watched a thriller/horror movie called Dread. It's basically about - without giving away the whole movie - this one college student who gathers 2 classmates to do a thesis project about fear and the greatest dread that comes from being in fear - hence the name- . And to make it interesting the head of the group (or the one who recruited everyone to do it) has this one fear of axe murderers that he never mentions to anybody, except one person, but he tells that person to never tell anybody about it...But back to the point! So to make this thesis project, they record a slew of people to interview on camera to tell about their worst fear experience. In the end, it becomes really fucked up and a bit gross... The movie is rated for a mature audience, with swearing and nudity, but otherwise it's good, but gross. So not for the faint of stomach...
     I honestly prefer foreign horrors, because American horrors are pretty much all about blood, gore, and almost always include sex of some sort.. Whereas foreign horrors seem to have a little bit more of a mind-fucking plot that is always turning, and silence used as a suspense mechanism instead of the classic Jaws-like "something is coming after you, just stand there and you should be fine" kind of music.
     And that's another point I shall bring up, why, why on Earth, are people in horrors so stupid! They stand there pretty much waiting for their death to come slash them in half. And not even a good kind of slashing! It's just some kind of cheap slice you in half kind of slicing in half. Also, why do the characters walk into empty houses (first of all, that's trust passing, and they shall be arrested!) assuming that nobody lives there. And they say "hello? Is anybody home?" Of course not you stupid person!!! And you shouldn't  be breaking in either!! Hell, some police might even say "Well, they deserved to die because they broke in, and they're stupid!" Have you noticed by the way, that just about all blondes (which there almost always is!) are the first to die?
     On a different note, I would like to wonder out loud; what would the world look like without any discrimination? Please, if you would, just mind your own business, if people are happy being who they are, then let them! Hell, if they want to marry their dog, that's no business of yours, you shouldn't concern yourself unless it affects you directly, in which it doesn't!

     Please leave a comment, what scares you? Lobotomies, spiders, and dying scare me, what about you? It doesn't matter how stupid, it's all good :) Hope you enjoy my blog! :D Have fun, be postive, find good in the little things, and be nice!

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