I thought you might enjoy looking at some things that make my day, well, that is, if you are entertained like me.....
Giant shopping carts; (located below)
Pocky; a Japanese biscuit cookie thing coated with chocolate (located for those who can't read, over -------------------------------> there ---->
26 pound gummy bears, which can be bought for $149.99 American dollars at this website: http://www.vat19.com/dvds/26-pound-party-gummy-bear.cfm
This music/language/video on Youtube. It is the Spongebob theme song in German, Japanese, Portuguese, French, and Spanish. Although a good population of the world hates Spongebob SqaurePants, we all know we love the poor geometrical sponge... give him a break people, he's been entertaining us since 1999, he's still entertaining in that zone-out kind of way... So, here is the video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EgqMzFiDz4
The F.U.N. Song from Spongebob in German (below):
You know you love him! (above)
And while I'm at it, I'll share another video to a song that I really like (below)
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