Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Friday The 13th!

     Today, as you probally can tell, is Friday the 13th, a supersticous day that just so happens to be my luckiest day of all days - or at least I always have a good day.... Here are some interesting facts about your fearful day, or lucky day:
  • Fear of Friday the 13th is called friggatriskaidekaphobia, according to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in Asheville California.
  • It is said that Napolean and President Herbert Hoover also suffered from friggatriskaidekaphobia (how do you pronouce that!?). 17 to 21 million people suffer from this as well.
  • Many hospitals and airports avoid 13th floors, rooms, gates, and air terminals that are numbered 13
  • U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt refused to travel on any 13th day of any month.
  • In Paris you can actually hire a special person to come to your dinner parties or whatever so that you can avoid the apparent superstion of having 13 people, they are called a quatorzieme.
  • Friday the 13th only happens at most 3 times a year, and is due to happen 2 more times; April and July. The longetst time peroid between Friday the 13th's was 14 months.
     So, my lucky day went like so; there was a couple inches of snow on the ground from last night, I was warm & cozy in my pink panda feeties until I had to get dressed for school :/ , my hair was cooperating!! :D & in general it was good.. all my classes went by fast, I had good conversations today.. and so forth... it was good :) yeah.... there was more.. but I kind of forgot... I want some chocolate though :/
      OMG! I drew the best - probally not, but you know, I freaking love how it came out.. and also I haven't actually drawn like that in a while...- Latvia ever!
     For those of you who are not awhere, Latvia country character from Hetalia Axis Powers. An anime series about countries being people, with all their flaws, issues, fights, and responsiblities. Hetalia is like so awesome! My favorite characters from Hetalia are Kumajuro, Canada's pet polar bear; Latvia, a small country that is bullied by Russia and has an alcoholism issue (we say country as in a person, the whole country isn't actually alcoholics.. ); and Italy, he is a huge favorite, bacause he's just so... out there (as in his personality). I actually told my history teacher that I learn more history from an anime than from his class. He is by far, the worst and most lazy teacher I've ever had, ever. He made a list of presidents and what order they served in order.. or tried.. and when we asked why, his reply was "There's  not much else to do while sitting here." What the f*ck dude!! No, you get your lazy mother-f*cking ass up from that chair and teach your class!! You don't sit there like a freaking substitute teacher, you do your freaking job! He gives us like 10 vocabulary and like one half-assed question to answer in a one hour class period!! You don't even have to try very hard at all to get an A. But to top it all off, he's freaking rasict!! Anyways.. here are some links to a more knowlegdeable life of Hetalia! :D
General Information:
Complete character info and description:
A great website to read and watch all kinds of animes and mangas on :) :
     And yeah, I suppose I will stop here.. have fun, be nice, and learn your freaking history with Hetalia!! :D

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