Monday, March 12, 2012

Teachers nowadays.... pffftt

     My mother ordered this pasta maker from like e-bay or's called the Pasta Express made by CTC, and it apparently didn't come with a instructional manual, so she asked me to look one up. Well, upon looking one up, I found an instructional video on Youtube. This video is of the sorts that you probably watched - or still watch in science class or history class, for real, the government needs to really not cut budgets in schools.. instead, cut it elsewhere, like on gambling and such, not education! Education is what's going to run this world, make the future generations smart, or dumb.. and right now, they're making us dumb. Cutting back on teachers; educated teachers, teachers that actually teach! Don't just sit there like a lump on a log... Dang, kids say to my horrible "teacher" Mr. Russ,
"You're the best teacher!"
"how?" he says unenthusiastically as he stares at his computer screen
"Because," they start, "you don't give us homework, like we just do half an hour of teaching and we can just sit here and do whatever we want for the rest of class."
     Really? That's what's going on in class nowadays!? you say with your eyebrows raised.. yes.. sadly, it is... -_- Now you can't blame us for bad test scores... it's not our faults!
     But on the other hand, I do have some teachers who do teach. My chemistry teacher sticks to a firm schedule that he made last year! And believe me, we follow that schedule like it's God's rule, We have a test at least every week, we have this thing called Lon-Capa (it's our homework), and once we have one Capa closed, another one opens! *bit overwhelmed face* uherrrrrrgggg! I try so hard in that class! Like I go to class everyday no matter what! I even go through the whole day ('cause my chemistry class is the last hour of the day) when I don't feel good, just so I can get my chemistry notes! We do notes everyday in that class! And when we don't do notes, we're taking tests, quizzes, or doing practice problems.... *sigh* and the rare, occasional lab.... I like the labs better *sulky face* 'cause I learn better if I see it happen like for real, not in letters, words, or numbers... certainly not numbers! I'm not good with math. But ironically, my geometry grade is way better than my chemistry grade!!

     Oh yeah, so you probably wanna see that video right? I totally forgot.. so here it is! :3

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