Saturday, March 17, 2012

From productive to lazy to tomorrow to lists to lisps, what's next?

     Today is one of those days.... so productive, yet I feel so lazy.... I chatted online to this boy I might go out with, cleaned up the yard; which I might add, took hours to do so because it's never been done.... God knows why we had to do if nobody else saw the purpose of it.. but supposedly we're going to occupy that space with horse shoes and such... pshh right! Then I worked on this giant poetry packet project for my english class, it's due Monday, and I want it to look so nice, but I feel almost like I don't have enough time or even patience to do so.... -_- ugh, such is life I suppose..... And tomorrow I'm so excited for, 'cause my friend Jeff is gonna come over and I'm going to straighten his hair and dress him in drag!!! :O I'm so freaking excited lol, like it's been for freaking ever since I've had somebody over!!! Plus I get to straighten his hair, which has been on my list of Things to do Before Next School Year!!! I get so happy to check something off from that list! :)
     But speaking of things that are productive.. I've got a cup of coffee sitting next to me and loads of energy to perhaps do my CAPA or maybe even my english project.. but instead, I sit here writing this, and texting online to friends... ahh the carefree life of a teenager.. you all think it's easy lol. By the way, I've got a quote form a book I read a while ago: "They don't want to see what a bunch of fragile sadists teenagers are." which, is like so true. As a teenager myself, we honestly don't really care about anybody or anything besides some very few things; our friends, sometimes our family, our friends again, what we can, or think we can get away with, doing what we want when we want... and yeah, for a few things the list is longer....
     Speaking of lists, my mother says she thinks lisps are annoying... especially if they are wealthy people with lisps XD

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