Tuesday, March 20, 2012

mail can almost ruin a day

     It's weird how one piece of mail can kinda unmake your day... well, that's what happened yesterday when I received a certain piece of mail that informed me that I was scheduled for make up ACT testing for 3 days straight. These days are during the school day, which cause me to miss most, if not nearly all of my classes, including notes and homework.. so I am left to scramble to get these things before the closing mark on Friday of this week..... isn't the school system so great -_- The reason I didn't take the ACT's originally is because my Maine school and my school now were both procrastinating and trying to make sense of my transcripts. So from September until now (March) I've been counted as a sophomore, taking sophomore classes when I'm a junior... although in Maine the classes I take now are considered junior classes... w.t.f? Anyways. So now that that's figured out, I had to take ACT and sign up for my senior classes.. and my friend Angelica wants me to go to junior prom with this boy I like, and kinda sorta plan on going out with :3 But I can't/don't want to.... 1). I talked to him about it, and neither of us  have money for such things 2). I don't have a dress, even though I could get one from a charity called Cinderella's Closet... but that leads back to #1, 'cause we don't have money to get into prom 3). I honestly don't really want to go..... I know all girls are all like "ooo dresses!" and "oooooaoaahhhhhh PROM!!!!!" Like dreaming about it all their lives.. it's just one dance, nothing really that special....
     So, I reported to ACT as scheduled.. for like 5 hours!!!!! Got let out for a lunch that wasn't mine; I missed my lunch.. so I was allowed to skip my 5th hour class and go to C lunch, which isn't a huge deal, but nearly all my friends are at my lunch, it's like an hour after when I eat lunch, I didn't get to talk to Angelica in art (that's my 5th hour), and I didn't get to see Ferris 'till like after lunch!! Dang! But one good thing I got to eat lunch with my friend Hailey, I usually see her in my 2nd hour English class, and we talk there, but since I was in testing all day, I didn't get to see her today.. which by the way was so nice to see a face that I could talk to.. I was so happy at lunch :) <3

     *sigh* is it stupid to have one person make you so happy?

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