Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Feelin' a bit down.....

     Old times creep up on you when you least expect it, and they have such a talent of making you feel so bad... But as they say, misery loves company... And I seem to be getting along better with one of my friends whom everybody knows to be pretty much depressed. Perhaps it's not a good thing that I give into it, but I've come to realize, I haven't really worked through any of the shit I've been through...
     Like the other day my mom was saying something about how my siblings and I have my "father's" side of eyes; which are big blue eyes. I don't really see how my eyes are particularly big, but whatever. So anyways, I was sitting on the bus on my way to school listening to music, and then I thought about the conversation... "Does that somehow make me as bad as him? Does that mean that in some sort of fucked up way that I represent him, and or all the horrible things he's done?"... But I know I'm not like that... but still, it;s something you'd have to wonder...

     Some things that make me feel better during these times is going outside, or drawing. But when I draw I have to have the world drowned out with music.. which, in most cases has only aided my depression.. But my new friend has introduced a new way to relax in a way that I can see what everything is :3 It's like meditation or something.. inside intuition, like the feeling of knowing something, but you have no idea as to why you know it.. which I already had before he told me about, but he told me of a way to focus more on it. It's really relaxing! Here are the steps, but as to explain it further so that one could like research it more or something, I could not do.. because it's just something I've always known but can never explain :)

Steps to "Opening Your 3rd Eye" (as he calls it, which I'm sure is the correct term :) )

lightly look at the center of your forehead.. you will feel a tingle - stick one finger tip to your forehead, without straining your eyes. Close your eyes, and feel your finger on your forehead.

Now focus on the part just inside your forehead, inside your skull. it will help

Do that when you wake up for any amount of time, but feel the tingle, and before bed, or literally anywhere. Just relax.

Do it everyday, but no more than 5 times a day as to not obsess.

I would suggest, seems how I cannot explain further, to look it up, but I tried the steps above, and got amazing results, otherwise, it would not appear on here :) Have fun! :) <3

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