Tuesday, July 17, 2012


    Sometimes I just want to break down and sob, but I know how pathetic that'd look. I just want to zone out and forget the world, create my own color, because it seems lately the "friends" in my life are only making it grey. It seems pretty stupid that now of all times I'm wondering who my real friends are, instead of wondering that before I got in too deep with all this shit. They caused so much shit, although I was in-part of that, still, they aren't here now. When I try to talk to some of them, no body seems to listen. As of now, I'm able to talk to, and get a well thought response out of 3 or 4 of my friends.
     Even so, no offense to those who do listen to me bitch and just jabber, it still seems all I've got is my best friend who lives 2,000 miles away, music, and my creativity.

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