Friday, July 6, 2012

I don't know what to blog about.... Newspapers?

     I don't know what to blog about, but I feel I should blog, seems how I have not in a long time. I'm hungry..
     I see no reason to go to bed now, seems how I'd have to get up in an hour; delivering papers is defiantly some work! I hardly get any sleep, and it involves a lot of walking. This one lady we deliver a paper to is super picky about where it lands on her porch, but it's really hard to get it just right when you have to aim 4 feet at an odd angle in the dark from behind a fence. And this morning I had the pleasure of finding out why she is so particular about her paper; she has a dog, who she has trained to retrieve the paper for a treat. *dumbfounded face* If  she wants to give the dog a treat so bad, don't make my job harder, just give the damn dog a treat!
     We also deliver to this one couple who is up every single morning I deliver to them, like 4:30-5:00 a.m., What? Why!? Why would they do that!? And they're not even that old! They're like mid-ish forties, getting up God awful early to see that they get their paper!? The early, I am not in the mood to talk to strangers. But from what I hear, delivering newspapers makes decent enough money, enough to get up that early I suppose.. but I'm not actually the one doing it, only helping my parents. They say I can have a day off when I want to, but after about a week, we seem to have developed a system that makes us get done half an hour early, which is good, because then it's back to bed sooner :) But I feel that if I take them up on their offer that the system will be distraught, and then they may be in a bad mood towards my sister - she tends to have an attitude about stupid things, that frustrates people a lot.

     So. I read on Yahoo that there was a gummy bear dress made. Apparently it took about 3 weeks to make, but it looks amazing!

     Yup................. so it appears that I am done with this blog... it sucked, I'm sorry. ~ Needs blog ideas!~ tootles then!

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