Friday, July 13, 2012

Phone Tag

     So I think I'm about to get this job at KFC, and they call, but it seems we only play phone tag, because they call when I'm either gone looking for other jobs, or sleeping because I'm still tired from delivering papers. My parents say that I can stop doing the paper route when I get a job, but I kind of feel like I'm obligated to keep doing it, even thought I know the likelihood of me being able to both deliver papers and work at KFC and be awake at both places is slim. Because we have like a system of doing the papers where we get done like half an hour early, which is great, because then I get to go to bed faster.
     It's a good thing I haven't decided to do this blog as a journal, because my life is terribly boring. I sleep during the day, watch TV, look through the left over papers for interesting pictures to cut out, sometimes call friends, go on the computer, and water the garden. I just need the energy to make this more interesting, so if you would, give me suggestions!

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