24 Life Lessons, Courtesy of My Dog
By Emil Caillaux (thoughtcatalog)
- You can choose not to run to get the ball, but it’s always a lot more fun if you do.
- Never underestimate the value of a simple plate of food and water.
- Sometimes it’s all right to roll over and let someone pamper you.
- Never bite the hand that feeds you.
- Make sure you stretch thoroughly before you get up.
- If a loved one is sad, approach slowly, cuddle up to them and wait for them to tell you what’s wrong.
- There are times you lead, and there are times you follow.
- Never discriminate. Cats can be a lot of fun to hang out with too.
- The best place to nap is under the sun.
- There is no bigger sign of affection and closeness than a big lick to the face.
- It’s OK to be overly excited about things that pass you by.
- Wading into water is good. Jumping in is infinitely better.
- Pick carefully where you go to the bathroom.
- A good run will always improve your day.
- Only bark when the situation warrants it.
- Leftovers are always delicious.
- If someone enjoys scratching your back, stick with them forever.
- Always know how to find your way back home.
- Take good care of your teeth.
- Loyalty is priceless.
- Someone hurts someone you care about, you run after them and make them pay.
- It’s all about opportunities: you’re not there, someone else gets the morsel.
- Even if you’re alone, there’s someone out there that’s thinking of you.
- Always go for what you want.
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