Monday, September 10, 2012

100 Things To Do Before Next School Year; Edition 2

     You all remember how I had that list of things to do before next school year? Well, I've decided to do it again this year :) Except it's called my Goal List... So for those of you who are curious;

  1. Read 10 books
  2. Go sledding
  3. Set up lava lamp
  4. Ace a test
  5. Go on a collage tour
  6. But a sweatshirt
  7. Save 100 dollars & not touch it
  8. Make my bed
  9. Go to the fair
  10. Go on a bouncy house
  11. Eat popcorn
  12. Drink marble soda
  13. Plant m&m's
  14. Meet somebody new
  15. Get a T-Rex
  16. Water gun fight
  17. Eat salad
  18. Make a rainbow out of Starbursts wrappers
  19. Clean my shoes
  20. Play tic-tac-toe
  21. Wear feeties with someone
  22. Watch a movie
  23. Appreciate somebody
  24. Pay it Forward
  25. Color
  26. Pay off the library
  27. Watch a foreign film
  28. Make cookies
  29. Eat a candy cane
  30. Draw with chalk
  31. Find pastels & use them
  32. Collect 300 pennies
  33. Write 26 factorial blogs A-Z
  34. Get a book from the library
  35. Not lie
  36. Have a snowball fight
  37. Go swimming
  38. Use bananas as phones
  39. Go to church
  40. Draw 
  41. Complete something
  42. Clean the bathroom
  43. Do at least 5 pages in my book
  44. Write a poem
  45. Wash a floor
  46. Work maximum hours
  47. Eat candy
  48. Go to the mall
  49. Go for a walk
  50. Do homework
  51. Melt crayons
  52. Talk to an old friend
  53. Buy clothes
  54. Help with the Free Sale
  55. Write on a sidewalk in mustard
  56. Eat cotton candy
  57. Eat a Popsicle
  58. Listen to a new song
  59. Take a really good picture
  60. Work out
  61. Play in the rain
  62. Hug somebody new
  63. New pen pal
  64. Learn a new sentence in a language
  65. Drink Kool-aide
  66. Cry
  67. Wear earrings
  68. Paint toe nails
  69. Draw a new animal
  70. Spring collage 2013
  71. Apply to LTU
  72. Buy a laptop
  73. Go to an art show
  74. Sleepover
  75. Wear a dress
  76. Go to the Peanut Shop again
  77. Be nice
  78. Do some math
  79. Keep a positive attitude
  80. Paint
  81. Sharpen pencils
  82. Be the best I know I can be
  84. Clean under my bed
  85. Wash sheets
  86. Start a portfolio
  87. Learn a new word
  88. Write an essay
  89. Blog
  90. Lose a balloon
  91. Blow bubbles
  92. Do something not selfish
  93. Pray, for no reason other than to do it
  94. Try your hardest
  95. Volunteer
  96. Apologize with action
  97. Find green underwear
  98. Listen to an old song
  99. Try something new
  100. Buy someone lunch
  101. Sing
  102. Don't give advice
  103. Play I spy
  104. Have a tea party
  105. Watch a movie in theaters
  106. Not cut
  107. Empathize
  108. Eat french fries
  109. Get new shoes
  110. Go to camp
  111. Win an art scholarship
  112. Be serious
  113. Garden
  114. Detail Burger Head
     And that is so far, but I think I forgot a few... Anyways, I hope this catches on! :D The only rules are you don't set out to do it, it just happens, and once it's written down, you can't erase it, doesn't mean you have to do it, just that you can't erase it. Thanks for reading! :D 

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