Thursday, April 12, 2012

So this was my day

     So, as though it may seem that a typical teenagers day is fairly easy, but I had to deal with a freshman Japanese class, stupid teachers, dumb books that the government makes us read, although there's no reason for it, a chemistry test, upset friends, people in general, and a geometry redue test. Then, I had to ride the city bus home, which is all fine and well, besides the fact that when I went to take my mp3 out of my pocket, I came to find that my right ear phone was in pieces! When I put it back together thinking that it was just the squishy ear piece, I discovered that I had apparently split some wires.... So, I had to sit through an hour long bus ride with half of my music working -_- . Thank God for my old pair of headphones though! But, one thing to look forward to this evening is calling my best friend! :DD I haven't talked to her in weeks!! D:

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