Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Just Thought I'd Post This... I Like It... :)

24 Life Lessons, Courtesy of My Dog

By Emil Caillaux (thoughtcatalog)

  1. You can choose not to run to get the ball, but it’s always a lot more fun if you do.
  2. Never underestimate the value of a simple plate of food and water.
  3. Sometimes it’s all right to roll over and let someone pamper you.
  4. Never bite the hand that feeds you.
  5. Make sure you stretch thoroughly before you get up.
  6. If a loved one is sad, approach slowly, cuddle up to them and wait for them to tell you what’s wrong.
  7. There are times you lead, and there are times you follow.
  8. Never discriminate. Cats can be a lot of fun to hang out with too.
  9. The best place to nap is under the sun.
  10. There is no bigger sign of affection and closeness than a big lick to the face.
  11. It’s OK to be overly excited about things that pass you by.
  12. Wading into water is good. Jumping in is infinitely better.
  13. Pick carefully where you go to the bathroom.
  14. A good run will always improve your day.
  15. Only bark when the situation warrants it.
  16. Leftovers are always delicious.
  17. If someone enjoys scratching your back, stick with them forever.
  18. Always know how to find your way back home.
  19. Take good care of your teeth.
  20. Loyalty is priceless.
  21. Someone hurts someone you care about, you run after them and make them pay.
  22. It’s all about opportunities: you’re not there, someone else gets the morsel.
  23. Even if you’re alone, there’s someone out there that’s thinking of you.
  24. Always go for what you want.

B is for Berenstain Bears

     Many of you, my readers, may remember The Berenstain Bears series as children, so perhaps you shall be interested to learn more about one of your childhood book series.

     Stanley Berenstain and Janice Marian Grant both born in 1923, grew up during the Great Depression in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. They met in 1941 at the Philadelphia Museum School of Industrial Arts. Stan was drafted into the army in 1943, serving until 1946. He was blind in one eye, so he only had limited service, but he spent most of his career as the medical illustrator at an army hospital in Indiana. And during his free time he began drawing cartoons and publishing them in magazines. Janice also had a career with the army, she worked a draftsman for the Corps of Engineers, also as an aircraft riveter, building the Navy's PBY flying boat.
     Jan and Stan married right after the war in 1946, starting a career together as team cartoonists for magazines. Such as The Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping,  Collier's, and McCall. In addition to publishing their own magazine of their cartoons, all featuring focus humor about children and families.

     Mr. and Mrs. Berenstain began their family with the birth of their son Leo in 1948, and adding their other son Mike in 1951. Both children being big Dr. Seuss fans, Stan and Jan figured to try their hand at writing their own children's books. They called it The Big Honey Nut, which had featured Mama, Papa, and Small Bear, and was published in 1962 with Ted Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss) as editor and publisher. And then it continued for the next 43 years with over 200 books, until in 2005 Stanley Berenstain passed away.

     As the books grew more and more popular, Mr. and Mrs. Berenstain added more characters; making their little bear family grow. Small Bear became Big Brother with the coming of Little Sister in 1974, and then later the arrival of Honey in 2000. The names "Mama", "Papa", "Big Brother", and "Little Sister" were kept for the ease of reading for their young fans, and also to emphasize their roles in the family.
     Jan and Stan kept up the magazine cartooning along with the books until the '80s. Their son Mike had also followed in their footsteps; joining his parents with the magazines and then illustrating and co-writing the children's books in 1992.

     Being one of the most popular children's series, The Berenstain Bears had five NBC seasonal specials, two seasons of Saturday morning cartoons on CBS, and a daily cartoon show on PBS that started in 2002. The characters have also been made into dolls, toys, games, puzzles, computer software, and clothing, just to name a few. During the '80s and '90s there were a number of Berenstain Bear Country attractions at amusement parks. But more recently have become exhibits at museums, one such as the Strong Museum in Rochester New York. There have also been four Berenstain Bear plays and musicals, including the highly successful musical Berenstain Bears Live in Family Matters.

     Jan and her son Mike still continue to write, illustrate, and publish Berenstain Bears books today. They live in Eastern, Pennsylvania, which apparently looks a lot like Bear Country.

     The Berenstain Bears is a series of about 300 books that have been translated into 23 different languages; most recently Icelandic and Arabic. There are more than 260 million copies printed.

     According to The New York Times, the Berenstain Bears were almost the Berenstain Penguins, until the authors decided that bears are more human-like in the way that they stand on two legs and the mothers are very good mothers.

The Berenstain Bears website:

Monday, September 10, 2012

A is For Armadillo

     This is the start of my fact-based blogs that go from A-Z, and as you can see, this one is about armadillos.


     There are 20 varieties of armadillos, 19 of which live in Latin America (North and South America together), but the well known nine-banded armadillo is the only one of it's kind to roam North America. The omnivorous mammal is currently endangered due to loss of habitat and over-hunting. Some cultures in America like to consume armadillo meat, which apparently is much the same to pork as in taste and texture.
     Armadillos live in warm areas that have rain, grasslands, forests, and semi-deserts. And because of their lack of fat storage, cold is their natural enemy, wiping out dozens during a cold spate.

     Most of the species dig burrows and sleep 16 hours, eating beetles, ants, and termites evening and morning when they wake. Armadillos have poor eyesight and depend on their sense of smell to help them out. They also have strong legs with long claws that they use to dig, and long sticky tongues that they use for extracting ants from their tunnels. In addition to insects, armadillos also eat small vertebra, plants, fruit, and on occasion carrion meat (dead and decaying flesh of deceased animals).
     Armadillos can grow to be as little as 3oz, or as big as 120 pounds. Contrary to popular belief, they cannot curl up into themselves; only the three banded armadillo can. Pulling it's head and legs up inside it's tiny armor-like shell, and becoming like a hard ball, confusing predators.

Armadillo Fast Facts 

  • The name "armadillo" is Spanish for "little armored one".
  • Armadillos average life span in captivity is 12 to 15 years
  • Armadillos can be any size ranging from 5 to 59 inches
  • Other than humans, armadillos are the only other animal that can get leprosy
  • Armadillos can be house broken
  • When frighted, armadillos jump straight into the air
  • Armadillos can walk underwater
  • Armadillos always give birth to four identical babies, all of the same sex

100 Things To Do Before Next School Year; Edition 2

     You all remember how I had that list of things to do before next school year? Well, I've decided to do it again this year :) Except it's called my Goal List... So for those of you who are curious;

  1. Read 10 books
  2. Go sledding
  3. Set up lava lamp
  4. Ace a test
  5. Go on a collage tour
  6. But a sweatshirt
  7. Save 100 dollars & not touch it
  8. Make my bed
  9. Go to the fair
  10. Go on a bouncy house
  11. Eat popcorn
  12. Drink marble soda
  13. Plant m&m's
  14. Meet somebody new
  15. Get a T-Rex
  16. Water gun fight
  17. Eat salad
  18. Make a rainbow out of Starbursts wrappers
  19. Clean my shoes
  20. Play tic-tac-toe
  21. Wear feeties with someone
  22. Watch a movie
  23. Appreciate somebody
  24. Pay it Forward
  25. Color
  26. Pay off the library
  27. Watch a foreign film
  28. Make cookies
  29. Eat a candy cane
  30. Draw with chalk
  31. Find pastels & use them
  32. Collect 300 pennies
  33. Write 26 factorial blogs A-Z
  34. Get a book from the library
  35. Not lie
  36. Have a snowball fight
  37. Go swimming
  38. Use bananas as phones
  39. Go to church
  40. Draw 
  41. Complete something
  42. Clean the bathroom
  43. Do at least 5 pages in my book
  44. Write a poem
  45. Wash a floor
  46. Work maximum hours
  47. Eat candy
  48. Go to the mall
  49. Go for a walk
  50. Do homework
  51. Melt crayons
  52. Talk to an old friend
  53. Buy clothes
  54. Help with the Free Sale
  55. Write on a sidewalk in mustard
  56. Eat cotton candy
  57. Eat a Popsicle
  58. Listen to a new song
  59. Take a really good picture
  60. Work out
  61. Play in the rain
  62. Hug somebody new
  63. New pen pal
  64. Learn a new sentence in a language
  65. Drink Kool-aide
  66. Cry
  67. Wear earrings
  68. Paint toe nails
  69. Draw a new animal
  70. Spring collage 2013
  71. Apply to LTU
  72. Buy a laptop
  73. Go to an art show
  74. Sleepover
  75. Wear a dress
  76. Go to the Peanut Shop again
  77. Be nice
  78. Do some math
  79. Keep a positive attitude
  80. Paint
  81. Sharpen pencils
  82. Be the best I know I can be
  84. Clean under my bed
  85. Wash sheets
  86. Start a portfolio
  87. Learn a new word
  88. Write an essay
  89. Blog
  90. Lose a balloon
  91. Blow bubbles
  92. Do something not selfish
  93. Pray, for no reason other than to do it
  94. Try your hardest
  95. Volunteer
  96. Apologize with action
  97. Find green underwear
  98. Listen to an old song
  99. Try something new
  100. Buy someone lunch
  101. Sing
  102. Don't give advice
  103. Play I spy
  104. Have a tea party
  105. Watch a movie in theaters
  106. Not cut
  107. Empathize
  108. Eat french fries
  109. Get new shoes
  110. Go to camp
  111. Win an art scholarship
  112. Be serious
  113. Garden
  114. Detail Burger Head
     And that is so far, but I think I forgot a few... Anyways, I hope this catches on! :D The only rules are you don't set out to do it, it just happens, and once it's written down, you can't erase it, doesn't mean you have to do it, just that you can't erase it. Thanks for reading! :D 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's Not Kindergarten!

     So, as you, my followers.... (Mom, Jeff.) and those of you who just happen to come across my page, have known for a bit that I have gotten a job :) My first real job :) And while I'm excited.... it'd seem that my parents are more excited O_o which is understandable, but they act like it's kindergarten lol.
     I got home from getting my work permit signed by the appropriate people (in which they made me run from one side of town to the other for; get permit from school, take permit to work to have them sign it, then bring it back to school for them the to sign it, then, finally, I can bring it back to work for them to file), and it was raining outside. So I'd walked home from the bus stop in the rain and I get my uniform from the car to bring it in, they're all like "Try it on! We wanna see you in it! :D " They say they want pictures.... and I remind them that it's not kindergarten... but they reply with "But it's your first job!" lol so, yeah, I may be exaggerating this a bit, but for real, it happened, at least the jest of it.
     Reflecting on this episode only makes me think of what it'd be like when I move out, or go to college, or make my first Pixar film, or anything... I guess it'd be the same as when I see the people I love do great things, and move up in the world, like growing up... We all avoid it, we avoid responsibility and growing up as teenagers, but we know it's coming, we know we have to do it, and while at the same time we are desperately looking forward to it, it's only mostly because we don't want to have somebody say for us anymore.
     So guess when I start? Tuesday. Guess what Tuesday is? My seventeenth birthday! Which wouldn't be so bad, but I really wanted to see The Lorax (which I heard hasn't gotten the kind of attention they want it to, but for real, if that certain person is reading this, I think that movie is great, just by the previews, and I really really want to see it!) at the library with my friends... but I can't... very sadly... perhaps my parents will rent it for me! ^_^
     But just in case anybody cared, I will tell you what I want for my birthday:
Birthday Dinner: Spaghetti with Italian sausage and cheesy garlic bread
Wish List: Headphones
                Cool Socks
                New York Times Newspaper (they have amazing pictures that I would love to cut out! :D )
                A Plastic T-Rex from Meijer
                Hello Kitty underwear :3
                My own thing of ice cream :D
                Cracker Jacks
                AAA Batteries (for my mp3 player)

     But this is the cake I want:
            I don't care if we don't have enough jars for everyone, I'm getting a cake in a jar, and that's that.
Here's a copy and paste of the recipe from

Rainbow Cake in Jar
  • 1 box white cake mix made according to package instructions
  • Neon food coloring in pink, yellow, green, turquoise, and purple
  • 3 one-pint canning jars
  • 1 can vanilla frosting
  • Rainbow sprinkles
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Thoroughly wash and dry the inside of each canning jar. Spray the inside of each jar thoroughly with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside.
Scoop about 1/2 cups of cake batter into five small bowls. It doesn’t have to be perfect, don’t panic if you get a little more of less of one color than another.  Tint each bowl of cake batter with the food coloring until very vibrant.
Spoon about 3 tablespoons of the purple batter into the bottom of each jar.  Spoon equal amounts of turquoise batter, then green, yellow, and pink.  Place the jars in a shallow baking dish, add about 1/4″ in water in the baking dish. Place the baking dish in the oven and bake for 30-35 minutes.
Remove jars and allow to cool completely before scooping a small portion from the top of your cake and adding a hefty dollop of vanilla buttercream to the top. Sprinkle & serve, or cover with a lid and store in the fridge or pop into the mail & surprise someone you love!
POST EDIT: Several commenters have indicated that the cake is not cooking all the way through in the 30-35 minutes indicated in the recipe.  This was enough time for our cake, but I’m cooking at high altitudes, and my oven tends to bake hot.  So, I’d recommend baking the cake for 40 minutes, then return it to the oven if it still doesn’t spring back to the touch when you check to see if it’s finished.  As for the cake puffing up and out of it’s bottle, ours did that a bit, as well.  Easy fix. We just scooped a bit of the cake out to make room for the frosting and wiped the outside of our jars clean.  Several people have indicated that the wide-mouthed mason jars work a little better for this purpose.  I’ve not yet baked with wide-mouthed. What you see above is what was baked in my kitchen according to the recipe instructions, and what came out of the oven when it was all.   Of course, if you’re feeling wildly impatient, you can also zap the cake in the microwave for 2 minutes.  It’s going to bubble up, for sure, but you can scoop the top part of that cake out, frost it, and no one will ever be the wiser. Good luck, everyone! This is such a fun cake. My kids went nuts over it, and I hope it works as beautifully for you as it did for us!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Bacon is Really Good :)

     I think we all agree, bacon is damn good! But I was thinking earlier, the little baby piggies are cute too... but it's okay, because they don't kill the babies. :) They wait until the pigs are fat and gross, or until they feed them enough chemicals to get fat and gross... :S Gosh, we eat a lot of chemicals...

     So one of my neighbors are having their second baby on Tuesday :D I'm so excited! I can't wait to see a brand new baby! My other neighbors are hoarders... for the most part... They keep giving us stuff; blankets, coffee cups, which is all nice, but all of these things are ugly as f*ck! Sometimes they buy us stuff too, they bought my sister some face wash, and they bought me some neonish nail polish, it's like hunting orange *gross face*, which I'd like to use it, but come on, the color is gross, plus I can't really paint my nails, because I just got a real job! It's nice that they buy us stuff, thoughtful and all that junk, but for real, I don't really use nail polish as it is, and Taylor didn't need chemically intoxicated face wash, we make our own, and it works well. Well, at least for me, 'cause she uses either that or store-bought face wash. She really needs to make a for sure decision which one she's going to use, because for one; it's annoying, for two; her indecisiveness is going to make her break out more. 

     So, if you were wondering, the mixture we use for our (or my) face wash is a half and half combination of  Pure Olive Oil (you can get that at just a regular grocery store or whatever), and Castor Oil (which you can buy at any drug store). The olive oil cleans your pores or whatever and also moisturizes your skin as it needs in a natural manor, and the castor oil dries up bad oils and sucks out impurities...I think... but either way, it works. Just give it like 2-4 weeks to do it's thing, and you'll hardly have to wear cover-up when you go out! :D

Friday, July 27, 2012


     I need something to do, I need some inspiration for a good blog. A good blog like those other people who just put stories or whatever up, I do not have such interesting stories.. my life isn't that eventful. Gosh.. I am jealous of you people.
     So. My mother introduced me to this website called Pintrest. It's pretty interesting, people pin pictures of ideas, crafts, art, actually, everything. And you can browse, and hoard all kinds of pictures and whatever to your little hearts content! It's great, I think my mom's addicted to it actually lol.

     I made the start of my Bucket List today... even though I'm probably too young for one, I guess you can't start too early for life goals :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


    Sometimes I just want to break down and sob, but I know how pathetic that'd look. I just want to zone out and forget the world, create my own color, because it seems lately the "friends" in my life are only making it grey. It seems pretty stupid that now of all times I'm wondering who my real friends are, instead of wondering that before I got in too deep with all this shit. They caused so much shit, although I was in-part of that, still, they aren't here now. When I try to talk to some of them, no body seems to listen. As of now, I'm able to talk to, and get a well thought response out of 3 or 4 of my friends.
     Even so, no offense to those who do listen to me bitch and just jabber, it still seems all I've got is my best friend who lives 2,000 miles away, music, and my creativity.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Phone Tag

     So I think I'm about to get this job at KFC, and they call, but it seems we only play phone tag, because they call when I'm either gone looking for other jobs, or sleeping because I'm still tired from delivering papers. My parents say that I can stop doing the paper route when I get a job, but I kind of feel like I'm obligated to keep doing it, even thought I know the likelihood of me being able to both deliver papers and work at KFC and be awake at both places is slim. Because we have like a system of doing the papers where we get done like half an hour early, which is great, because then I get to go to bed faster.
     It's a good thing I haven't decided to do this blog as a journal, because my life is terribly boring. I sleep during the day, watch TV, look through the left over papers for interesting pictures to cut out, sometimes call friends, go on the computer, and water the garden. I just need the energy to make this more interesting, so if you would, give me suggestions!

Friday, July 6, 2012

I don't know what to blog about.... Newspapers?

     I don't know what to blog about, but I feel I should blog, seems how I have not in a long time. I'm hungry..
     I see no reason to go to bed now, seems how I'd have to get up in an hour; delivering papers is defiantly some work! I hardly get any sleep, and it involves a lot of walking. This one lady we deliver a paper to is super picky about where it lands on her porch, but it's really hard to get it just right when you have to aim 4 feet at an odd angle in the dark from behind a fence. And this morning I had the pleasure of finding out why she is so particular about her paper; she has a dog, who she has trained to retrieve the paper for a treat. *dumbfounded face* If  she wants to give the dog a treat so bad, don't make my job harder, just give the damn dog a treat!
     We also deliver to this one couple who is up every single morning I deliver to them, like 4:30-5:00 a.m., What? Why!? Why would they do that!? And they're not even that old! They're like mid-ish forties, getting up God awful early to see that they get their paper!? The early, I am not in the mood to talk to strangers. But from what I hear, delivering newspapers makes decent enough money, enough to get up that early I suppose.. but I'm not actually the one doing it, only helping my parents. They say I can have a day off when I want to, but after about a week, we seem to have developed a system that makes us get done half an hour early, which is good, because then it's back to bed sooner :) But I feel that if I take them up on their offer that the system will be distraught, and then they may be in a bad mood towards my sister - she tends to have an attitude about stupid things, that frustrates people a lot.

     So. I read on Yahoo that there was a gummy bear dress made. Apparently it took about 3 weeks to make, but it looks amazing!

     Yup................. so it appears that I am done with this blog... it sucked, I'm sorry. ~ Needs blog ideas!~ tootles then!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Little Things :)

     Today's checklist:

  • hung out with a new friend,
  • caught fireflies,
  • bought candy for a dollar,
  • cup of tea,
  • called my best friend,
  • And my other best friend is leaving me tomorrow.... for South Korea.... :(

     ~ Always telling about how people should really appreciate the little things in life more often.. well, I think this - along with other pieces of proof - shall really put it out there that perhaps you wouldn't be such a grouch if you did appreciate the little things, like card games and goldfish. :)

     All the other things on the list are pretty self-explanatory, but my friend, going home to South Korea.... Sadly, her nine months of Americanization is over... we have done our best, and now she is just another Asian-looking American. We gave her American foods, candy, and experiences. Tomorrow she departs on a fourteen-hour plane ride home. Although she is leaving me flustered with her, I still love her, and shall miss her so much! We plan on sending e-mails through facebook and hand-written letters (yes, be surprised and wide-eyed, mailmen will now have something to do other than deliver that junk mail!), and if anybody could kindly tell me how much postage would be from the United States to South Korea, I would greatly appreciate it! :3
     See, the reason I am flustered with her is because I had been planning since early last week that she was not leaving this country without spending at least one more night at my house. And look, she's getting away.... >:/ I had spent the better part of four to five days hearing excuses as to why she couldn't come over that day, or the next, finally just giving up and telling her that she had greatly disappointed me. I had already been through some other saddening things, and needed a friend, but she would not be there for me.... or couldn't, or whatever. I would have loved to call her tonight before she leaves tomorrow, but I did not have her phone number when it wasn't this late - also, she lives in a house with a bunch of other foreign people, who do not speak English as good as her, so if you ask if she's there, you will get a "no", even though you know she's there! So I called my other best friend instead, but he was tired, had a headache, and also has summer school to attend to until August -_- yay! So now I am on here; blogging this boring blog... and having nobody to talk to... perhaps I might get so bored that I will clean the bathroom..... have you ever been to that point of boredom? That you just clean... yeah, that's what I do when I'm upset, cleaning keeps my mind busy, also, because I have run clean out of inspiration for my creative side. *rambling now... sorry*
      So, please enjoy this picture of a fat unicorn as I leave you :) <3 Thank you!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Swallowed Gasoline?

     Have you or somebody you love recently swallowed or ingested gasoline? Well, not to make this sound like a stupid commercial, but I have 7 steps - that I looked up online - that could possibly help save their life, so that you can tell them that they're stupid to have ingested gasoline.

Step 1). Stand by the person while they catch their breath, make sure that you reassure them that they are not going to die,and that many people swallow small amounts of gasoline everyday and they're okay. :)

Step 2). Once the individual has calmed down, help the down a large glass of milk as to settle their stomach.

Step 3). Although they may be inclined to drink carbonated beverages instead of their nice glass of milk, refrain from letting them do so. When gasoline is in the stomach, it creates gas, and carbonated drinks will help them to burp, but in this case, that is the wrong thing to do.

Step 4). Call Poison Control Center (1-800-222-1222) and explain the situation to them, they will help you decipher how much gasoline was swallowed and will be able to help you do what you need to do to cure this person.

Step 5). Although the gasoline-swallower may b burping for the next several hours, and they may feel nauseous and sick, that is because of the fumes that are escaping through the esophagus. Just be there to remind them that they will be alright in the next day or so.

Step 6). Make sure that they drink plenty of water throughout the next few hours, but not all at once.

Step 7). Be sure to remind  your friend or whomever they may be to you that ingesting gasoline is dangerous, and that they should avoid it. Because at some point, I'm sure that all that gasoline will just be too much, and they'll croak... lol jk :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cupcakes ~ yeah, something interesting now :))

     I used to write interesting things all the time.. but it seems I have better things to think about, so I just end up using my blog - when I do write - as a journal.. I'm sorry mystery readers, you shall not suffer, for this blog anyways.. So. Random facts about cupcakes! :3

~ As much as you all want to believe, cupcakes are not named "cupcakes" because they look like cute little cakes inside little paper cups. On the contrary they're called "cupcakes" because they are snacks that can be stored inside a protective athletic cup during baseball games. Abner Doubleday is suggested as the first who tucked this little treat inside these cups, and was apparently known for munching the little cakes while running bases.
~ Cupcakes did not always have that tasty frosting that most of us enjoy, it actually had lard swirled on the top. And it was Winston Churchill who had suggested to put frosting on the top.
~ Apparently John Lennon's song Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, which is assumed to be about or involving psychedelic drugs, is actually about cupcakes (?), even though it contains no references of any kind about cupcakes, when interviewed John Lennon is quoted as saying: “You never know what you’re writing when you write a song, it’s only years later you realize the truth. You think you’re writing about other people, but you’re really writing about cupcakes. Goo goo ga joob. Imagine. Yoko Ono." 
~ The number of cupcakes eaten last year has a mass weight greater than the entire Earth.(2010, so not accurate as of this year... just sayin'.)
~ One cupcake per adult is consumed everyday.
~cupcakes, among other tasty treats, are banned in the New York school system as a way to cut down obesity rates (the least of America's problems here :S ).
~ The Hostess Cupcake has been around since 1919, but has become even more popular since the addition of the cream in the middle in 1950.
~ The world's largest cupcake was created August 15, 2009 (the day after my birthday!!!! *rage face*), and weighs 1,224 pounds, with a 2 million calorie count.
~ The world's smallest cupcake was baked in Great Britain in celebration of National Cupcake Week. It's measurements are 1.5 centimeters high, and 3 centimeters wide.
~ The fastest record for eating cupcakes is 29 cupcakes in 30 seconds. O_O
~ National Cupcake Day is December 15th, just for those wondering :3
~ The first mention of a cupcake recipe goes as far back as 1796.
~ Cupcakes are referred to as fairy cakes in Britain, and patty cakes in Australia.

     I hope this was exactly what you; my mystery readers, have been missing, and that it was as entertaining and educational as the rest of my blogs. - Seems a goal of mine to know everything about things that people don't need to know, that makes you seem even smarter than they think ;D Until next time my good people! 
     But, before I leave, some good quotes :)) I love quotes :) 
"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic." from anonymous,
 The greatest thing you'll ever get from me is just to love and to be loved in return." also anonymous.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Been Awhile.. Thoughts....;

     Currently I have completed 146 out of 235 goals on my 100 Things to do Before Next School Year list. Never did I think when that idea was born about 6, 8 months ago that'd I'd be in this kind of mess; that I'd do all of the things I've done. I never thought I'd have to put on any kind of goal list "graduate from high school". In which I am not going to complete in any lifetime - or this one at least. So far, there isn't even going to be a next school year... I'm getting a job, working for a lousy G.E.D., and I still want to go to college, but I'd have to work my ass off even more than before; way more than before!
     Now I'm not sulking; I deserve this, I need to accept what I've done, the outcome, and just move on. I'm still alive right? Even if I don't want to be, I'd be too much a coward to do anything, or maybe brave enough to live it through.... either way, I need to do a lot of thinking.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

So this was my day

     So, as though it may seem that a typical teenagers day is fairly easy, but I had to deal with a freshman Japanese class, stupid teachers, dumb books that the government makes us read, although there's no reason for it, a chemistry test, upset friends, people in general, and a geometry redue test. Then, I had to ride the city bus home, which is all fine and well, besides the fact that when I went to take my mp3 out of my pocket, I came to find that my right ear phone was in pieces! When I put it back together thinking that it was just the squishy ear piece, I discovered that I had apparently split some wires.... So, I had to sit through an hour long bus ride with half of my music working -_- . Thank God for my old pair of headphones though! But, one thing to look forward to this evening is calling my best friend! :DD I haven't talked to her in weeks!! D:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Child Molesters; What Do We Do With Them?

**This is my persuasive essay for my English class :) I hope you all think positively of it lol, please leave a comment of what you think :)

Is this any way to live?:
  • 22% of boys, and 23% of girls are sexually victimized before age 8.
  • 1 in 7 victims of sexual abuse were victimized under age 6.
  • 67% of sexual abuse victims are under the age of 18.
  • 95% of teenage prostitutes have been sexually abused.
  • It is estimated that there are 60 million survivors of sexual abuse.
  • Children with disabilities are 4 times more vulnerable to sexual abuse than their non-disabled peers.
  • The "typical" child sex offender molests 117 children on average, most do not report it.
  • 60% of convicted sex offenders are on parole or probation right now.
      How can you protect your children, family members, or friends? Do we live in fear of when and who they will strike, victimize, demoralize. How are you going to protect yourself? Like this, you can't.
     Before anything can be done, the definition of sex offenses would have to be changed permanently. It would have to stand for justice, not teenagers' parents getting mad and condemning a young life as a sex offender. If you break the law, you break the law, no in-between. After that, these real, actual sex offenders should be chemically castrated, and placed in an enclosed work camp for life.
     As it currently stands, the courts definition of a sex offense is; "crimes of a sexual nature". For example, distribution of obscene material is a misdemeanor, rape is a felony. But while this definition sounds concretely solid, the charges can be ridiculous. Your punishment would depend upon the type and severity of the specific offense you are being charged for. Conviction of a misdemeanor is punishable for up to a year in county jail, probation, fines, or a combination of all three. Conviction of a felony can result in penalties as a misdemeanor, or state prison for up to life. But the penalty assigned by the court for a felony depends on the specific crime committed, as well as the specific circumstances of the offense and criminal history.
      But out of 8,000 people convicted of a felony sex crime in California each year 39% go to state prison, 5% are supervised on community probation, 1% county jail, and community probation. This obviously isn't working. Even murderers get a longer sentence, and at least those victims don't have to live on in pain.
     In 2006 the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation in California proposed that the Department of Mental Health of California screen the offenders to determine whether they meet the criteria for a Sexually Violent Predator (SVP). Currently the law describes an SVP as "a person who has been convicted of a sexually violent assault against 2 or more people and who has a diagnosed mental disorder that makes the person a danger to the health and safety of others in that it is likely he/she will engage in sexually violent criminal behavior.". After they meet that check list of society-damaging behaviors they are placed in rehabilitation mental hospitals. But 80% of these individuals fall within normal inelegance ranges.
      Alabama has a new bill that states; "...that those who receive mandatory minimum sentences, that means no parole, no probation, no good time, no split sentences, that means you are going to prison. They will not wear bracelets for 20 years, because they will be in prison for 20 years. After that prison term, convicts will then have to wear an electronic bracelet for the next 10 years.". Which I agree with, except for the tracking bracelet, that would require more commitments than what already isn't there. And for that matter, is a 30 year time out enough time to "recover" from their "lifestyle"?
      The "cure" for pedophilia ranges from group therapy, a myriad of sex-drive reducing drugs, castration, and individual therapy. Most, if not all sexual assaults aren't because of sex, it's their way to get total control over a person; by invading their personal space.
      Although the sex-drive reducing and chemical castration drugs cause side effects such as heart disorders, back pain, respiratory disorders, night sweating, rachiopathy (suffering), osteoporosis, etc. They have been found at least a little helpful in preventing recidivism. Some studies have found that reports of sex offenders who have had this particular treatment have suffered depression, anger, a felling of inadequacy, and isolation. Much similar to the shopping list of pain their victims suffer. For too long sex offenders have had painless punishments, now is the time for them to suffer the same as their victims. Even criminologists say that castration "must be looked upon as the best social measure for and treatment of sexual criminals and abnormal sexuals in general. Whatever ethical, physical, or psychological problems castration might pose, from a criminological point of view it is effective.". But that alone is not going to do the trick, I think something much like Joe Arpaio's self-sufficient prison camp in Maricopa County of Arizonia would be exactly what we need to prevent hurt generations.
      An online journalist John Rossamando reports in The Daily Caller on August 15, 2011 about a group of psychiatrists, mental health professionals, and pedophiles may be able to revise the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) by 2013.
      Another group looks upon pedophilia as a sexual orientation rather than a mental disorder. Dr. Hubert Van Gijseghem, psychologist and retired professor at the University of Montreal told Parliament members; "True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation.". Another expert Dr. Vernon Quinsey, professor of psychology at Queen's University in Ontario says; "There is no evidence that this sort of preference can be changed through treatment or anything else...It's not necessarily that they need to change their sexual orientation; they need to learn how to control themselves, with our help."
     But I think that with a combinations of hardcore prison sentences, chemical castration and work camps such as Joe Arpaio's we could be free.

**Dang, I'm bad at spelling lol, hope it was informal and interesting :) Please leave your comments.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Obsessed with Anime

     Recently I have found myself watching hours of anime, something I could easily find myself wrapped up in - all the artistic drama. But one thing I admire most of the anime I watch, would be the clothes. Although I find the Elisabeth character of The Black Butler to be obnoxious, her clothes are defiantly something to love.
     Up until yesterday I was also watching another anime called Durarara, it's amazing show with everything you could possibly wish for in a favorite TV show. But I had to stop watching it because I've gotten up to episode 26, but can not find episode 26 anywhere! So, if anyone has any information on where I could find it, I would be so thankful! :D

     I would have to say one of the best lines in all of anime would have to be from The Black Butler episode 3, where the Butler says after Grell threatens to kill himself "There is no need for that. Just think of the horrible mess you would make. It'd take hours to clean up all of the blood....And if you do decide to seek your eternal rest, please see to it outside, would you? And try not to make too big a mess." 

     Well, back to talk about real life I suppose...My half sister, whom I have not seen since I was like 7 or so, might be coming to live with us, her, her husband, and her two children. Now the situation isn't as messed up as it seems, more of like you just don't have the whole story.. but that's alright, just believe me :) . So yeah, that'll be a total about of 9 people living in my house, her 4, plus the 5 already living here.... Oh well, lol, I've lived in such situations before, it's not all bad :) . 
     Also, we go back to school on Monday!!!!!! :D *sigh* This vacation has been boring as hell :/ . Seems how I've nearly run out of things to say, I suppose I'll tell about something funny somebody posted on my facebook; "Love is like a fart. If you have to force it, it's probably shit." And while on the subject of things people have said, my favorite anime character of Durarara; Shizuo, in episode mm like 25 or something... anyways, Shizuo came in the door of the doctors house bleeding half to death. The doctors all like "goodness graciousness, what happened to you?!" and Shizuo replied with; "oh, you know...." lol and before that I thought I'd lost my favorite character. Now that's the kind of awesomeness that's just too hard to kill! :D

Thursday, April 5, 2012

"Catching up"

     So, it's been awhile since last writing a blog.. been thinking a bit of what to do my next one about... Also thinking of what to make for dinner. We've got hamburger in the sink thawing, spaghetti sounds easy, but I'm just not in the mood for it.. or I could make tomato soup and grilled cheese, but my sister is really picky and doesn't like tomatoes -_- plus, we don't have bread.
     We're on spring break this week, and it being almost over, I can certainly say it's been a bit of a waste of time for me. The most I did was research a little bit for my upcoming persuasive essay for English class, hung out at the mall with friends, and have my friend over for the weekend before she sadly has to go back home in Korea. I've also watched countless American Dad episodes, my new favorite anime Durarara, this old show I used to watch called Bob's Burgers, and two documentaries, one about this guy trying not to get sent to jail for masturbating in a video store over his porn addiction, and another about The New York Times crossword. Yup. And now you see why this country is so educationally delayed; due to wasted time both in the classroom, and time given off to students who don't need it, only to make a waste of time.
     Well, I suppose that's it... I've got really nothing else to "catch-up" on, 'cause it's all just mundane everyday stuff.. nothing special :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Feelin' a bit down.....

     Old times creep up on you when you least expect it, and they have such a talent of making you feel so bad... But as they say, misery loves company... And I seem to be getting along better with one of my friends whom everybody knows to be pretty much depressed. Perhaps it's not a good thing that I give into it, but I've come to realize, I haven't really worked through any of the shit I've been through...
     Like the other day my mom was saying something about how my siblings and I have my "father's" side of eyes; which are big blue eyes. I don't really see how my eyes are particularly big, but whatever. So anyways, I was sitting on the bus on my way to school listening to music, and then I thought about the conversation... "Does that somehow make me as bad as him? Does that mean that in some sort of fucked up way that I represent him, and or all the horrible things he's done?"... But I know I'm not like that... but still, it;s something you'd have to wonder...

     Some things that make me feel better during these times is going outside, or drawing. But when I draw I have to have the world drowned out with music.. which, in most cases has only aided my depression.. But my new friend has introduced a new way to relax in a way that I can see what everything is :3 It's like meditation or something.. inside intuition, like the feeling of knowing something, but you have no idea as to why you know it.. which I already had before he told me about, but he told me of a way to focus more on it. It's really relaxing! Here are the steps, but as to explain it further so that one could like research it more or something, I could not do.. because it's just something I've always known but can never explain :)

Steps to "Opening Your 3rd Eye" (as he calls it, which I'm sure is the correct term :) )

lightly look at the center of your forehead.. you will feel a tingle - stick one finger tip to your forehead, without straining your eyes. Close your eyes, and feel your finger on your forehead.

Now focus on the part just inside your forehead, inside your skull. it will help

Do that when you wake up for any amount of time, but feel the tingle, and before bed, or literally anywhere. Just relax.

Do it everyday, but no more than 5 times a day as to not obsess.

I would suggest, seems how I cannot explain further, to look it up, but I tried the steps above, and got amazing results, otherwise, it would not appear on here :) Have fun! :) <3

Saturday, March 24, 2012

a little something i found under my bed :3

     I found this piece of paper underneath my bed in a binder of some old writing; I used to write a lot, like stories, random thoughts, and poems... well, this is one of the random thought type things that I wrote, along with two descriptive paragraphs that I read when I found the paper, my reaction "Damn, I can write good!" anyways, yeah, here it is:

August 28, 2011

     I love writing poems. They are a story all their own. Whether important or not, they are poems; my poems, my stories.
     My poems, yes, they are stupid. But people relate to stupid. For example; my poem about being bored and being so blinded by boredom that the unmentioned character of the poem has even lost their way to the bathroom. See, that's stupid. But people thought it was hilarious. Probably because poems are put off to society as a more refined art. The kind of art that only the 1st-class-china-tea-cup-set, parlor-room kind of people do or read. But in fact - for those of you who think that, no. Poems are an anybody's-cup-of-tea kind of thing. And they can be about anything.
     See, when i was younger I thought that poems were the 1st-class-china-tea-cup-set, parlor-room kind of sport. I thought they had to be serious and had to rhyme or match in syllables, which was too much work than I was interested in. Instead, it's only your thoughts and feelings and such. Just in the shorter version. it's like that saying; "Mathematicians always take short-cuts" well, so do poets (but they know more words than mathematicians I assume...).
     Anyways. Poetry is easy. Just get to the point. Don't drone on and bore your reader with unnecessary details. And be straight up with them right there. Be yourself, on paper and off; That's what makes a great writer. Now I'm gonna go brush my teeth.

     "I didn't steal that cookie" she said as innocently as she could. But no matter what she said, her mother wasn't going to believe her. For an evident reason; the chocolate cookie crumbs that still rested on her daughters cheeks that she must have been saving for later.


     The chair squeaked under the pressure of all their thoughts. Her leg bounced up and down nervously as she waited with the others. She looked around; yes, they too were looking just as nervous as she felt. Staring off into space as they held the outdated magazines up to their faces as if they were actually reading it. But they were mindless; just as nervous as her, and for that, she felt a little less alone in the big cruel world.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

mail can almost ruin a day

     It's weird how one piece of mail can kinda unmake your day... well, that's what happened yesterday when I received a certain piece of mail that informed me that I was scheduled for make up ACT testing for 3 days straight. These days are during the school day, which cause me to miss most, if not nearly all of my classes, including notes and homework.. so I am left to scramble to get these things before the closing mark on Friday of this week..... isn't the school system so great -_- The reason I didn't take the ACT's originally is because my Maine school and my school now were both procrastinating and trying to make sense of my transcripts. So from September until now (March) I've been counted as a sophomore, taking sophomore classes when I'm a junior... although in Maine the classes I take now are considered junior classes... w.t.f? Anyways. So now that that's figured out, I had to take ACT and sign up for my senior classes.. and my friend Angelica wants me to go to junior prom with this boy I like, and kinda sorta plan on going out with :3 But I can't/don't want to.... 1). I talked to him about it, and neither of us  have money for such things 2). I don't have a dress, even though I could get one from a charity called Cinderella's Closet... but that leads back to #1, 'cause we don't have money to get into prom 3). I honestly don't really want to go..... I know all girls are all like "ooo dresses!" and "oooooaoaahhhhhh PROM!!!!!" Like dreaming about it all their lives.. it's just one dance, nothing really that special....
     So, I reported to ACT as scheduled.. for like 5 hours!!!!! Got let out for a lunch that wasn't mine; I missed my lunch.. so I was allowed to skip my 5th hour class and go to C lunch, which isn't a huge deal, but nearly all my friends are at my lunch, it's like an hour after when I eat lunch, I didn't get to talk to Angelica in art (that's my 5th hour), and I didn't get to see Ferris 'till like after lunch!! Dang! But one good thing I got to eat lunch with my friend Hailey, I usually see her in my 2nd hour English class, and we talk there, but since I was in testing all day, I didn't get to see her today.. which by the way was so nice to see a face that I could talk to.. I was so happy at lunch :) <3

     *sigh* is it stupid to have one person make you so happy?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

From productive to lazy to tomorrow to lists to lisps, what's next?

     Today is one of those days.... so productive, yet I feel so lazy.... I chatted online to this boy I might go out with, cleaned up the yard; which I might add, took hours to do so because it's never been done.... God knows why we had to do if nobody else saw the purpose of it.. but supposedly we're going to occupy that space with horse shoes and such... pshh right! Then I worked on this giant poetry packet project for my english class, it's due Monday, and I want it to look so nice, but I feel almost like I don't have enough time or even patience to do so.... -_- ugh, such is life I suppose..... And tomorrow I'm so excited for, 'cause my friend Jeff is gonna come over and I'm going to straighten his hair and dress him in drag!!! :O I'm so freaking excited lol, like it's been for freaking ever since I've had somebody over!!! Plus I get to straighten his hair, which has been on my list of Things to do Before Next School Year!!! I get so happy to check something off from that list! :)
     But speaking of things that are productive.. I've got a cup of coffee sitting next to me and loads of energy to perhaps do my CAPA or maybe even my english project.. but instead, I sit here writing this, and texting online to friends... ahh the carefree life of a teenager.. you all think it's easy lol. By the way, I've got a quote form a book I read a while ago: "They don't want to see what a bunch of fragile sadists teenagers are." which, is like so true. As a teenager myself, we honestly don't really care about anybody or anything besides some very few things; our friends, sometimes our family, our friends again, what we can, or think we can get away with, doing what we want when we want... and yeah, for a few things the list is longer....
     Speaking of lists, my mother says she thinks lisps are annoying... especially if they are wealthy people with lisps XD

Monday, March 12, 2012

Teachers nowadays.... pffftt

     My mother ordered this pasta maker from like e-bay or's called the Pasta Express made by CTC, and it apparently didn't come with a instructional manual, so she asked me to look one up. Well, upon looking one up, I found an instructional video on Youtube. This video is of the sorts that you probably watched - or still watch in science class or history class, for real, the government needs to really not cut budgets in schools.. instead, cut it elsewhere, like on gambling and such, not education! Education is what's going to run this world, make the future generations smart, or dumb.. and right now, they're making us dumb. Cutting back on teachers; educated teachers, teachers that actually teach! Don't just sit there like a lump on a log... Dang, kids say to my horrible "teacher" Mr. Russ,
"You're the best teacher!"
"how?" he says unenthusiastically as he stares at his computer screen
"Because," they start, "you don't give us homework, like we just do half an hour of teaching and we can just sit here and do whatever we want for the rest of class."
     Really? That's what's going on in class nowadays!? you say with your eyebrows raised.. yes.. sadly, it is... -_- Now you can't blame us for bad test scores... it's not our faults!
     But on the other hand, I do have some teachers who do teach. My chemistry teacher sticks to a firm schedule that he made last year! And believe me, we follow that schedule like it's God's rule, We have a test at least every week, we have this thing called Lon-Capa (it's our homework), and once we have one Capa closed, another one opens! *bit overwhelmed face* uherrrrrrgggg! I try so hard in that class! Like I go to class everyday no matter what! I even go through the whole day ('cause my chemistry class is the last hour of the day) when I don't feel good, just so I can get my chemistry notes! We do notes everyday in that class! And when we don't do notes, we're taking tests, quizzes, or doing practice problems.... *sigh* and the rare, occasional lab.... I like the labs better *sulky face* 'cause I learn better if I see it happen like for real, not in letters, words, or numbers... certainly not numbers! I'm not good with math. But ironically, my geometry grade is way better than my chemistry grade!!

     Oh yeah, so you probably wanna see that video right? I totally forgot.. so here it is! :3

Saturday, March 3, 2012

This is me;

I like to smell blueberry candles, blow bubbles, and walk up down escalators.
I love forgein things, horror movies, and sweets.
My favorite color is hot pink, and my favorite movie is How to Train Your Dragon.
I've had only one near death experience and have only been bitten by one type of animal.

I currently have 223 goals that I wish to complete by next school year. My ultimate dream is to work for Disney Pixar films, live in a condo in the city with a great Dane, two fish, and a komodo dragon.
I enjoy spending my time doodling, listening to music, and/or chatting online. My favorite eating utensils are either chopsticks, or a spoon.
I think that growing up is over rated, and that Evanescence would be better if they let their lead singer go. I think that my mother is a great cook and that my best friend should actually make an effort to contact me.
I disagree with politics as a whole and racism. I believe that homosexual marriage is the same as heterosexual marriages.
I wish I was shorter, coloring implements wouldn't dull or break, and to be successful in my dreams and goals.
I hate onions, country music, and inconveniences.
I've always wanted to have had a normal childhood, to be perfect, and to remember having a Cabbage Patch Kid.
I don't understand the male species, why people wish to fly, or why some people don't like art.
I've always thought banana bread  is really good, and that I'm going to die young.
I've never gotten stitches or had a broken bone.
I don't like being called "babe", cooking, butter, salt, fat, or grease.
I can't stand  hiding something, pinacoolada or silence.
I'm not good at sexting, math, being patient, or talking in front of crowds.
I've worn glasses since kindergarden, and my favorite color used to be green.
I don't want kids, and I don't like cheese cake, pineapple, coconuts, or hair.
I have sexy blue eyes, a sock monkey, and pink shoes.
I love socks, toast, ice cream and art.

Friday, February 24, 2012

One more view and I will have completed a goal!

     I love completing goals on my list!! Originally the list was supposed to be a list of 100, but I've done a lot of them and then thought of more to make. It's a really good thing to do to keep busy or whatever. Anyways, that seems like it could have turned into a boring rant, you don't know much about kangaroos do you? Well, you will now! lol
           Your kangaroo facts:
  • The aboriginal word for kangaroo was gangurru, that was used to describe the Grey Kangaroo
  • An adult male kangaroo is referred to as a buck, jack, or boomer.
  • Adult female kangaroos are called doe, flyer, or Jill
  • Baby kangaroos are called joeys.
  • The name "kangaroo" is used openly to describe all species within the super-family of macropods.
  • The species is grouped into two groups:  
     Group one (Macropodidae): include kangaroos, wallabies, wallaroos, pademelons, tree kangaroos, and forest wallabies.
     Group two (Potoroidae): include rat kangaroos, potoroos, and bettongs.
  • It is an urban myth that the word kangaroo means "I don't know" or "I don't understand"
  • A group of kangaroos is called a mob.
  • The word "roos" is a colloquial word used to refer to all kangaroos and/or wallabies
  • Kangaroos don't live in just Australia, several species of kangaroos and wallabies live in places such as; New Guinea, Hawaii, Great Britain, and New Zealand.
  • At least 6 species of macropods have become extinct since Europeans arrived in Australia, and several more are endangered.
  • Kangaroos are the only large animals that move by hopping
  • Kangaroos cannot move backwards
  • All macropods have large feet and strong legs, but only tree kangaroos have strong front legs, yet they have smaller hind legs compaired to other macropods.
  • Their tail is used for balance when hopping, which makes for a fifth limb.
  • On land kangaroos cannot move their hind legs independently, but when swimming (which they are good at) they can kick each leg individually.
  • All kangaroos are herbivores
  • Red kangaroos can go without water all together as long as they have fresh green grass. But otherwise, the whole kangaroo species doesn't need much water because they have adapted to such dry lands.
  • Macropods are nocturnal
  • Macropods have complex stomachs much that of a cow, and most even regurgitate their food like cow do.
  • Only the one dominate male (usually the biggest and oldest) is allowed to mate with the females of the mob.
  • Like all marsupials, baby kangaroos are born after 31 to 36 days of gestation, compaired to humans, that would be the 7th week of pregnancy.
  • When joeys are born they are about the size of a hairless worm, only their front legs are developed enough for them to crawl up to the pouch.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

     I do not have a valentine this year, nor have I ever had a valentine lol, but it's okay :) I still give out valentine's day cards to my friends no matter how childish it is! Hell, I'm a junior in high school and I gave out valentine's day cards today, my cards are awesome! They're monster stickers with monster mouths, hair, and accessories to attach to them. It's more of an activity type of card, something to do in class when there's a boring lecture (And yes mother, I pay attention! I made my monster while we watched a movie. And I took all my notes!).
    So, anyways. I had a decent valentines day :)  my bus driver was pretty much on time (she has a horrible habit of being late, one time, she didn't even come! Her sister did, half an hour late!) and she even gave us candy on our ride home! :D But we did have to wait for a train, although that wasn't bad at all, because I got to talk to Jeff longer, some kids were making a big deal about it, pshh, acting like they've really got something to do, right (these ones I am talking about I know for a fact that they have nothing to do in their lives, they just merely like to pretend)! As it being valentine's day, I got candy; a twizzler from Jeremy, a cakepop from my friends cousin, a lollipop from my bus driver, and some candy that I brought to school. I also treated myself to a Little Debbie valentine's cake. :) I do not understand this "holiday". We only use it to express love, cry about being alone, and an excuse to eat junk food, pshhh, damn Americans! XD
     So, I think I shall stop here, because I seem to have run out of things... But remember, it is on my goal list to reach 200 page views on blogger, so, if you could please, please help me out!? Set my link to just wherever, 'cause I know this stuff is at least somewhat interesting on some kind of level! Right? Otherwise how would I have had page views already? And also, remember, love yourself, and who you are and the rest should all just come natural, but also remember to have fun! <3

Sunday, February 12, 2012

200 things to do before next school year

      Seems how 100 things to do before next school year seems a bit easy, I decided to make it a little more fun by adding another 100. But the next 100 is not mandatory to complete before school. And I think this list should be a bit more fun, because it has both important and epically nonimportant things on it :) i hope you - my readers, if i happen to have any XD - So, here is the new list :)

101.). buy handcuffs
102). make a rainbow out of starburst wrapers
103). eat ice cream
104). make some money
105). mail Kristen's letter
106). eat salad
107). talk in Japanese on the computer
108). win the yellow car game
109). pet a fluffy dog
110). buy really cool duck tape
111). clean my shoes
112). get a pink rock star tab
113). draw with chalk
114). win tic-tac-toe
115). straighten Jeff's hair
116). watch a horror movie
117). wear feeties with someone
118). throw dirt
119). tape up new qoutes
120). make a list of 200 things to do before next school year
121). call Tara
122). not die
123). be the best i can be
124). draw faces on somebody's toes
125). ask a teacher if their belly button is an inny or an outty
126). look up pictures of little dogs dressed as pigs
127). get more music on my mp3
128). tell Taylor that i love her
129). apperciate somebody
130). say thank you
131). sing the Spongebob F.U.N. song
132). watch Spongebob
133). spin around & attempt to walk in a straight line
134). do CAPA
135). do something really fun
136). do something nice, for no payment
137). eat goolash :)
138). paint my nails
139). ask random questions
140). wash my feeties
141). get a hug from mother
142). blow up a balloon
143). pop a balloon
144). tell somebody how much I appreciate them
145). not have to dial 911
146). pet Taylor
147). call Kristen
148). watch a movie
149). go to the mall
150). do good on my english project
151). change the channel
152). not miss the bus
153). get Valintines' day cards from the store
154). eat a fortune cookie
155). return my pants
156). draw a really good stiches tattoo
157). eat macaroni & cheese
158). declare war
159). color
160). video chat
161). write in blue pen
162). eat cereal
163). sit in the front seat
164). buy awesome socks!
165). eat a lollipop
166). drink Kool-aid
167). eat cake
168). celebrate a birthday with a party!
169). take a bath
170). go to the library
171). do something responsible
172). bake
173). not use the computer for a whole day
174). read a book
175). study for a test
176). try something new
177). be a vegitarian for a day
178). go with the flow
179). draw
180). defend somebody I don't like
181). eat candy
182). be nice
183). do my homework
184). play outside
185). hang out
186). make somebody smile
187). buy something not for me
188). give somebody a card
189). patch things up
190). wear a really cool band aid
191). eat pie
192). eat ice cream cake
193). blow bubbles
194). apologize and mean it
195). wear green underwear
196). wear shorts
197). pay attention
198). say something smart
199). take advice
200). be serious
201). not say everything I think
202). take a short shower

     Yeah, that's all that I have so far.. I can tell you, that I will most likley put about 300. lol but at least I will have fun :) . Something that I pretty much live by is this: "you could die any moment; even hit by an astroid right now, don't hold grudges, say you're sorry when it's needed, love who you have, not what you have. and always enjoy the little things in life ♥" said by me, in case you wonder. :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

What happens a slightly strict parent goes away

     I would like to start right in, much like I do on the phone... I don't even say "Hi" most of the time.. just started right in... but my best friend says that starts the conversation so that it doesn't go from:

Caller: "Hi"
Callee: "Hi..."
*Some awkward silence as if the air says "What do I say now!?"
Caller: "Well then.... this is a bit awkward....Bye!"
     But believe me, conversation with my best friend is far from that! I call, we start in, start one conversation, finish half of it and end up on another subject.. example: goes from how's life there 2000 miles away - wow, I feel like I live on the Sun.. that book, 95.000 Miles From The Sun.. is that what it's even called? - Anyways, so I might ask her what's new, we talk about that stuff, then what made our days, what didn't make our days, new stuff again, boys, school, people we used to hang out with, family, hypothetical situations and conversations.. and then if we notice that we've said certain words such as "bomb", "suicide", "murder", "government", "conspiracy" and so on... then we end up talking about how the government agents tap into your phone and an alarm goes off whenever you say certain words, so they end up listening to our crazy conversations for safety-of-the-world purposes and they're reaction is "What. The. F*ck. Are they talking about?" then they end up listening because they have nothing better to do and we are damn interesting! Then we go to talk about food, stupid people, people we used to hang out with again, new stuff, boys, stupid people, hypothetical conversations again..... damn, the list goes on! I suppose you could understand why one would listen to our conversations and have that reaction: "What. The. F*uck. Are they talking about?". But like I said, we are damn interesting, why would somebody not listen and have that reaction?
      Isn't it great when you find people that are just like you? It's a bit scary, buy it's still great because then you can be best friends with yourself and not be called Narcissus for looking in the mirror all day. I have met four people like that, - not staring into the mirror! People like me, just wanted to clear that up before you started to make assumptions that would be wrong! - Jeff, Christian, Dynesha, and Kristen. Kristen is my best friend and I call her all the time. I have 3 and a half best friends; Tara, Dynesha, Kristen, and Jeff. Jeff is the half because I have only been talking to him for about 2 weeks now.. but he's still great enough to call half a best friend... Next weekend he might come over to my house and I'm going to straighten his hair - like one of my dreams in life, do not judge me! - and he's going to wear my blue duck feeties while I wear my pink panda feeties and we're going to eat popcorn and watch horror movies. It's going to a day to remember! :D But to be honest, if Jeff, Christian, Kristen, and I got together one day to hang out, the world better watch out! Because we are going to have a freaking blast! Lucky for the rest of the world though, Christian and Kristen sadly live 2000 miles away from me and Jeff.... you all can live.... at least until we meet again!
     Well, this didn't turn out to be what I thought it would be about.. but that's okay! I haven't written a blog in a bit because I haven't known what to write about... but I suppose  this is just as stupid as any other thing I've written about.. oh well, it's not like I actually have watchers... only myself - how do I not watch myself!? - and my mother... wow. I feel like a stupid super hero.. they all live with they're mothers, looking out the windows for "signals" that show them that full grown men that live with they're parents are still needed in the world. BALDERDASH! That is not true! It only speaks volumes of who wrote it!
*sigh* Why can a girl not be friends with a guy and not have some kind of "feelings" for him.. why does there always have to be something between them? Because sometimes that's not what is happening! We are just friends!!!

Now, for those of you who do  not know what feeties are: here is a picture!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

100 Things To Do Before Next School Year

     I finally finished my list of 100 things to do before next school year! :D Now, I shall share it with you, because I think you will -might- enjoy it lol ... but if not, just deal... :)

  1. talk to Christian
  2. make $100 dollars
  3. read 10 great books
  4. decide on a college
  5. publish my alpha biography
  6. eat cake
  7. get a laptop
  8. go sledding
  9. have a leaf fight
  10. eat a Popsicle
  11. hang out with Christian
  12. buy a CD & not know the band
  13. talk to Buddhi
  14. pass a chemistry test
  15. get at least a B in every class
  16. hang out with a guy friend
  17. have a birthday sleepover
  18. get all 3 hello kitty colored pencils
  19. get more music on my mp3
  20. set up my lava lamp
  21. get cotton candy perfume
  22. collect 100 pennies
  23. get honor roll all year
  24. write on a sidewalk in mustard
  25. graduate 5 Sims from college
  26. tell a guy i like that he's cute
  27. go swimming
  28. eat pudding
  29. wear a hat and just not care!
  30. get all capa questions answered & only 1 or 2 wrong
  31. eat food that I've never had
  32. buy my own i-pod
  33. buy a chocolate bar
  34. go sledding without any snow
  35. get into the LCC class
  36. get invited to somebodies house
  37. buy a new lip gloss
  38. send Kristen's letter
  39. figure out what to do for "x" in my alpha biography
  40. do a really good piece of art
  41. get a job
  42. not have a boyfriend
  43. pass geometry with a B
  44. hang out with Chee
  45. do something special for Valentine's day
  46. call Dynesha
  47. lose about 10 pounds (or so.... ish)
  48. workout for a whole movie
  49. buy fig newtons
  50. go to the store just to look around
  51. go to the mall
  52. drink lemonade
  53. eat salad! :D
  54. make new friends
  55. have a cart race
  56. go on a bouncy house
  57. see a parade
  58. go on a college tour
  59. actually make a list of 100 things to do before school
  60. wear something i usually wouldn't
  61. just not care (positive way)
  62. buy a sweatshirt
  63. buy something not for me
  64. do sing a mijig in public
  65. watch a movie in theaters
  66. go to camp
  67. play basketball
  68. go on the swings
  69. eat ice cream
  70. eat cotton candy
  71. make dinner
  72. go to the fair
  73. make cake
  74. clean the bathroom
  75. wash my backpack
  76. eat a dinosaur grilled cheese
  77. drink marble soda
  78. go to a dance
  79. stick half eaten marshmallows on tree limbs
  80. get 200 page views on blogger
  81. meet somebody new
  82. burn 200 cal in 1 day
  83. plant m 'n' m's
  84. light my blueberry candle
  85. make art out of objects
  86. go in public with no make up
  87. wear pajama's to school
  88. do at least 50% of everything on this list
  89. eat a brownie
  90. have coffee night
  91. have a cart race
  92. ride a scooter in Wal-Mart
  93. clean under my bed
  94. sort through my clothes
  95. go on omegle & not be the 1st to leave a convo (pervs or weirdos not included)
  96. call Chee
  97. get a T-Rex
  98. throw popcorn at a movie screen
  99. water gun fight! ^.^
  100. buy stickers 
     ** Some notes**
- we clean our bathroom on a regular basis, just in case you got the wrong message
- I do realize some of these aren't realistic, but who cares? Let a girl dream
- The hello kitty pencils are this prize thing my stupid Japanese teacher does.. I already have 2 of them! ^.^
- I have most likely passed a chemistry test, and have just not realized it...
- I do have friends, it's just some of them I have come to a realization who are my true friends.. which is good, but it also makes me miss my other friends back in Maine..... :/ and yes, for those who are reading this that are my friends in Michigan, I also have good friends here :)
- I freaking love fig newtons!!! :D
- sadly, a cart race is pretty much a dream.... yet, I put it on here twice & my rules are to not delete or erase anything... I typed this all the same as I did write it.. besides spell check
- bouncy houses! :D <3
- I love art!! ^.^ I want to be a graphic designer ^.^ 

For things that you are unaware of....

      An alpha biography is stories of short parts of your life in short chapters following the letters of the alphabet. I got the idea from this book, this book is really good! :D
Totally Joe

 This is marble soda, it's really good :) :
Hello Kitty Ramune Soda Strawberry 6.6 Fz


This is a sing a mijig, I got one for Christmas:

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Not a Resolution, More of a Goal :)

     We have half days all this week, plus no school Monday (yesterday) or Friday (paper wars day... Jeff and I are disappointed :/ - paper wars it part of our weekday plan which I will explain... )

Weekday Plan
Monday - mustache Monday (we're not exactly sure how we're going to celebrate.. but it at least sounds cool :) )
Tuesday - taco Tuesday and/or inappropriate touch Tuesday
Wednesday - hump day (you know, 'cause it's the middle of the week...)
Thursday - gay day
Friday - paper wars (we throw paper at each other, it's great fun.... until we have to pick up the paper....)
Saturday - (really kind of unplanned... but it can all be worked out... I'll ask Jeff...)
Sunday - (same as Saturday....)

      Alright, so Jeff and I are disappointed we don't have paper wars to look forward to...but we talked on the bus about stuff that made our day (we're so much alike, I just love talking with him!). He told me that his dad's new job as a flower seller made his day yesterday.. and wouldn't it make yours too? What made my day yesterday was this kid who told the chat room about this drunk guy, here's the quote, because it's too great to not quote! "Police scanner just reported a drunk naked idiot wearing snow boots, singing 'free bird', riding a lawn mower down the highway! Where the fuck are you going?" Another thing that made my day today was this table of jock kids at breakfast in my school cafeteria with a purple unicorn backpack XD the kid with it set the unicorn up to the table as if it was going to eat breakfast too! It was great! :D

     So I call this "Not a Resolution, More of a Goal" because many of you have in all likelihood broken your resolutions, well, not me! :) Because I don't make resolutions.. :) I make goals. I have this list of 100 things to do before next school year, some are serious, others, not so much... but it's good to have ridiculous goals sometimes, it make you look forward to the little things. Which, all of you should know by now, that's what I'm all about :) and I 100% encourage you all -whether you're actually reading this or not- to look forward to the little things, and refrain from "resolutions" and lean a bit more to it's cousin, the "goal". You just may find life to be a little more enjoyable :) ttyl :D <3

*Just a small note, I cannot spell Wednesday for anything!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Life, Love, and Unfair Pansting

     Today, my sister pantsed me, claiming that it was repay of before when I pantsed her 3 months ago while she was getting ice cream. When actually, she's already pantsed me as revenge about 2 to 3 months ago after I had gotten out of the shower. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term pantsing, perhaps I shall inform you that it is when somebody pulls down your pants when you least expect it. It's simple and funny, but a bit annoying and sometimes irritating to the pantsee, especially if that person happens to be doing something while they are being pantsed. I call this "Life, Love, and Unfair Pantsing" because 1). it is my life; life with my sister. 2). Love because you have to admit, you can't live with my sister and not happen to feel a little love for her... although annoying, picky, particular, and just her, you have to love her. 3). Because it was unfair pantsing!
     So, because she put up her first blog and hasn't gotten any views, I figured I shall direct some of my views to her, I'm not sure what exactly is on there because I myself haven't had a chance to get there, but we shall both see together. :) Here is her link: . After having a look, it's only commercials, but please have patience.. she's just starting out :)

     *Sigh* We have exams this week at school :/ Not very much looking forward to it.. but who in their right mind would? But there are like 2 exams I don't have to take; art because I am exempt with a grade of an "A" - I freaking love art! - And my chemistry exam because we took it early.... but we still have to go to the 2 hour block scheduled for that exam... yay! ( :/ ) a 2 hour chemistry class! Even a 1 hour chemistry class is long, how am I going to make it through an additional hour? But I must admit, I happen to kind of (secretly) like chemistry, because it's a challenge, it forces me to look for my own answers. It's the same with a biology class I took last year, I freaking hated that class! There we 2 incredibly rude girls who sat behind me, I had nobody to talk to, and somebody who I was friends with just didn't talk to me... but even still, looking back, I really liked that class.
      I'm going to end this because honestly, I've really got nothing else... but until next time (even though I do wonder if anybody actually reads these... yeah, 80 something views.. but do you really read it?) try to enjoy the challenges as well as the little things, it certainly makes life something to look forward to :) ttyl <3 :D

*lol, the most commonly misspelled words are because, views, and pantsing XD And another note; All pantsing took place in a secure environment, never in  public - although Taylor likes to plot pantsing me in school, but I know she'd never dare, because I wear a belt with all my pants! It just doesn't feel right without a belt..  Anyways! Have fun, love life, and for the love of whoever Pete is, don't pants in public!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Some things that made my day

And here is a fun picture to entertain you and fill in space :)

     I thought you might enjoy looking at some things that make my day, well, that is, if you are entertained like me.....

Giant shopping carts; (located below)

Giant Shopping CartGiant Chocolate Pocky 10.7 Oz

Pocky; a Japanese biscuit cookie thing coated with chocolate (located for those who can't read, over -------------------------------> there ---->

26 pound gummy bears, which can be bought for $149.99 American dollars at this website:

26-pound Party Gummy Bear    

     This music/language/video on Youtube. It is the Spongebob theme song in German, Japanese, Portuguese, French, and Spanish. Although a good population of the world hates Spongebob SqaurePants, we all know we love the poor geometrical sponge... give him a break people, he's been entertaining us since 1999, he's still entertaining in that zone-out kind of way... So, here is the video link:
      The F.U.N. Song from Spongebob in German (below):

The Hamburglar. Ronald knows how to attract kids&lt;br /&gt; more pictures:
You know you love him! (above)

And while I'm at it, I'll share another video to a song that I really like (below)