Hey! So I think I've mentioned at some point in past posts that I was going to take my G.E.D., but I was really procrastinating... Honestly, I would have done it..... but at some point, kind of like how you procrastinate getting up in the morning, no matter how annoying your alarm clock is (my mom was the nagging alarm clock...). And so, I think I owe my mother a great thank you for being a supportive, nagging, funny lady. Thank you Madame Sueffle. Sorry, I don't know how to spell it... but she knows what I mean... I mean for real, she's pretty much my only viewer besides those of you who are just passer-by's. But it's okay, for those of you who stay here long enough to read that part though... :S
I always try to find other blogs to read on here, it'd be nice to be able to find a blog to read, just something random, not about hair-do's I can't do to save my life, your family.. I mean for real, who wants to know about what your 5 year old said? Granted, kids say the funniest things, but I don't want to read ALL about that! Or, I always come across the business blogs... whut?! And it seems the best blogs I come across, it just so happens that I can't read Spanish....
But, to the point. I did take my G.E.D. last week, and I passed! I knew I would, because my practice scores were really high, and also it was easy... and even though I promised I'd cry when I got my scores back.. I didn't cry soo much, only enough to be like "Oh my god, I passed, last year I didn't even imagine myself here, and just six months ago I couldn't even imagine this, much less three months ago, and I still passed, I get to graduate with my best friend on time!" The only thing I wish I did, was go to the prom.. my whole life I've been like "Omg, prom, that's stupid, just a dance to get fancy with." Man, *smh* I love to get dressed up... as much as I pretend I don't, I still think it's obvious that I love to get fancy. So prom... I disparately missed you. :( Plus I had to work that night, and I had nobody to go with, no dress, I don't go to that school... it was a mess. *smh* Poor prom, I know you missed me ;)
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