Sunday, June 10, 2012

Swallowed Gasoline?

     Have you or somebody you love recently swallowed or ingested gasoline? Well, not to make this sound like a stupid commercial, but I have 7 steps - that I looked up online - that could possibly help save their life, so that you can tell them that they're stupid to have ingested gasoline.

Step 1). Stand by the person while they catch their breath, make sure that you reassure them that they are not going to die,and that many people swallow small amounts of gasoline everyday and they're okay. :)

Step 2). Once the individual has calmed down, help the down a large glass of milk as to settle their stomach.

Step 3). Although they may be inclined to drink carbonated beverages instead of their nice glass of milk, refrain from letting them do so. When gasoline is in the stomach, it creates gas, and carbonated drinks will help them to burp, but in this case, that is the wrong thing to do.

Step 4). Call Poison Control Center (1-800-222-1222) and explain the situation to them, they will help you decipher how much gasoline was swallowed and will be able to help you do what you need to do to cure this person.

Step 5). Although the gasoline-swallower may b burping for the next several hours, and they may feel nauseous and sick, that is because of the fumes that are escaping through the esophagus. Just be there to remind them that they will be alright in the next day or so.

Step 6). Make sure that they drink plenty of water throughout the next few hours, but not all at once.

Step 7). Be sure to remind  your friend or whomever they may be to you that ingesting gasoline is dangerous, and that they should avoid it. Because at some point, I'm sure that all that gasoline will just be too much, and they'll croak... lol jk :)

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