This is the way I see the world, the way my brain works, and the way I talk. :D *yeah, it's "grown-up" language, but come on people, we all use it.. and it's not like children would read this!

Thursday, April 12, 2012
So this was my day
So, as though it may seem that a typical teenagers day is fairly easy, but I had to deal with a freshman Japanese class, stupid teachers, dumb books that the government makes us read, although there's no reason for it, a chemistry test, upset friends, people in general, and a geometry redue test. Then, I had to ride the city bus home, which is all fine and well, besides the fact that when I went to take my mp3 out of my pocket, I came to find that my right ear phone was in pieces! When I put it back together thinking that it was just the squishy ear piece, I discovered that I had apparently split some wires.... So, I had to sit through an hour long bus ride with half of my music working -_- . Thank God for my old pair of headphones though! But, one thing to look forward to this evening is calling my best friend! :DD I haven't talked to her in weeks!! D:
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Child Molesters; What Do We Do With Them?
**This is my persuasive essay for my English class :) I hope you all think positively of it lol, please leave a comment of what you think :)
Is this any way to live?:
Before anything can be done, the definition of sex offenses would have to be changed permanently. It would have to stand for justice, not teenagers' parents getting mad and condemning a young life as a sex offender. If you break the law, you break the law, no in-between. After that, these real, actual sex offenders should be chemically castrated, and placed in an enclosed work camp for life.
As it currently stands, the courts definition of a sex offense is; "crimes of a sexual nature". For example, distribution of obscene material is a misdemeanor, rape is a felony. But while this definition sounds concretely solid, the charges can be ridiculous. Your punishment would depend upon the type and severity of the specific offense you are being charged for. Conviction of a misdemeanor is punishable for up to a year in county jail, probation, fines, or a combination of all three. Conviction of a felony can result in penalties as a misdemeanor, or state prison for up to life. But the penalty assigned by the court for a felony depends on the specific crime committed, as well as the specific circumstances of the offense and criminal history.
But out of 8,000 people convicted of a felony sex crime in California each year 39% go to state prison, 5% are supervised on community probation, 1% county jail, and community probation. This obviously isn't working. Even murderers get a longer sentence, and at least those victims don't have to live on in pain.
In 2006 the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation in California proposed that the Department of Mental Health of California screen the offenders to determine whether they meet the criteria for a Sexually Violent Predator (SVP). Currently the law describes an SVP as "a person who has been convicted of a sexually violent assault against 2 or more people and who has a diagnosed mental disorder that makes the person a danger to the health and safety of others in that it is likely he/she will engage in sexually violent criminal behavior.". After they meet that check list of society-damaging behaviors they are placed in rehabilitation mental hospitals. But 80% of these individuals fall within normal inelegance ranges.
Alabama has a new bill that states; "...that those who receive mandatory minimum sentences, that means no parole, no probation, no good time, no split sentences, that means you are going to prison. They will not wear bracelets for 20 years, because they will be in prison for 20 years. After that prison term, convicts will then have to wear an electronic bracelet for the next 10 years.". Which I agree with, except for the tracking bracelet, that would require more commitments than what already isn't there. And for that matter, is a 30 year time out enough time to "recover" from their "lifestyle"?
The "cure" for pedophilia ranges from group therapy, a myriad of sex-drive reducing drugs, castration, and individual therapy. Most, if not all sexual assaults aren't because of sex, it's their way to get total control over a person; by invading their personal space.
Although the sex-drive reducing and chemical castration drugs cause side effects such as heart disorders, back pain, respiratory disorders, night sweating, rachiopathy (suffering), osteoporosis, etc. They have been found at least a little helpful in preventing recidivism. Some studies have found that reports of sex offenders who have had this particular treatment have suffered depression, anger, a felling of inadequacy, and isolation. Much similar to the shopping list of pain their victims suffer. For too long sex offenders have had painless punishments, now is the time for them to suffer the same as their victims. Even criminologists say that castration "must be looked upon as the best social measure for and treatment of sexual criminals and abnormal sexuals in general. Whatever ethical, physical, or psychological problems castration might pose, from a criminological point of view it is effective.". But that alone is not going to do the trick, I think something much like Joe Arpaio's self-sufficient prison camp in Maricopa County of Arizonia would be exactly what we need to prevent hurt generations.
An online journalist John Rossamando reports in The Daily Caller on August 15, 2011 about a group of psychiatrists, mental health professionals, and pedophiles may be able to revise the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) by 2013.
Another group looks upon pedophilia as a sexual orientation rather than a mental disorder. Dr. Hubert Van Gijseghem, psychologist and retired professor at the University of Montreal told Parliament members; "True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation.". Another expert Dr. Vernon Quinsey, professor of psychology at Queen's University in Ontario says; "There is no evidence that this sort of preference can be changed through treatment or anything else...It's not necessarily that they need to change their sexual orientation; they need to learn how to control themselves, with our help."
But I think that with a combinations of hardcore prison sentences, chemical castration and work camps such as Joe Arpaio's we could be free.
**Dang, I'm bad at spelling lol, hope it was informal and interesting :) Please leave your comments.
Is this any way to live?:
- 22% of boys, and 23% of girls are sexually victimized before age 8.
- 1 in 7 victims of sexual abuse were victimized under age 6.
- 67% of sexual abuse victims are under the age of 18.
- 95% of teenage prostitutes have been sexually abused.
- It is estimated that there are 60 million survivors of sexual abuse.
- Children with disabilities are 4 times more vulnerable to sexual abuse than their non-disabled peers.
- The "typical" child sex offender molests 117 children on average, most do not report it.
- 60% of convicted sex offenders are on parole or probation right now.
Before anything can be done, the definition of sex offenses would have to be changed permanently. It would have to stand for justice, not teenagers' parents getting mad and condemning a young life as a sex offender. If you break the law, you break the law, no in-between. After that, these real, actual sex offenders should be chemically castrated, and placed in an enclosed work camp for life.
As it currently stands, the courts definition of a sex offense is; "crimes of a sexual nature". For example, distribution of obscene material is a misdemeanor, rape is a felony. But while this definition sounds concretely solid, the charges can be ridiculous. Your punishment would depend upon the type and severity of the specific offense you are being charged for. Conviction of a misdemeanor is punishable for up to a year in county jail, probation, fines, or a combination of all three. Conviction of a felony can result in penalties as a misdemeanor, or state prison for up to life. But the penalty assigned by the court for a felony depends on the specific crime committed, as well as the specific circumstances of the offense and criminal history.
But out of 8,000 people convicted of a felony sex crime in California each year 39% go to state prison, 5% are supervised on community probation, 1% county jail, and community probation. This obviously isn't working. Even murderers get a longer sentence, and at least those victims don't have to live on in pain.
In 2006 the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation in California proposed that the Department of Mental Health of California screen the offenders to determine whether they meet the criteria for a Sexually Violent Predator (SVP). Currently the law describes an SVP as "a person who has been convicted of a sexually violent assault against 2 or more people and who has a diagnosed mental disorder that makes the person a danger to the health and safety of others in that it is likely he/she will engage in sexually violent criminal behavior.". After they meet that check list of society-damaging behaviors they are placed in rehabilitation mental hospitals. But 80% of these individuals fall within normal inelegance ranges.
Alabama has a new bill that states; "...that those who receive mandatory minimum sentences, that means no parole, no probation, no good time, no split sentences, that means you are going to prison. They will not wear bracelets for 20 years, because they will be in prison for 20 years. After that prison term, convicts will then have to wear an electronic bracelet for the next 10 years.". Which I agree with, except for the tracking bracelet, that would require more commitments than what already isn't there. And for that matter, is a 30 year time out enough time to "recover" from their "lifestyle"?
The "cure" for pedophilia ranges from group therapy, a myriad of sex-drive reducing drugs, castration, and individual therapy. Most, if not all sexual assaults aren't because of sex, it's their way to get total control over a person; by invading their personal space.
Although the sex-drive reducing and chemical castration drugs cause side effects such as heart disorders, back pain, respiratory disorders, night sweating, rachiopathy (suffering), osteoporosis, etc. They have been found at least a little helpful in preventing recidivism. Some studies have found that reports of sex offenders who have had this particular treatment have suffered depression, anger, a felling of inadequacy, and isolation. Much similar to the shopping list of pain their victims suffer. For too long sex offenders have had painless punishments, now is the time for them to suffer the same as their victims. Even criminologists say that castration "must be looked upon as the best social measure for and treatment of sexual criminals and abnormal sexuals in general. Whatever ethical, physical, or psychological problems castration might pose, from a criminological point of view it is effective.". But that alone is not going to do the trick, I think something much like Joe Arpaio's self-sufficient prison camp in Maricopa County of Arizonia would be exactly what we need to prevent hurt generations.
An online journalist John Rossamando reports in The Daily Caller on August 15, 2011 about a group of psychiatrists, mental health professionals, and pedophiles may be able to revise the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) by 2013.
Another group looks upon pedophilia as a sexual orientation rather than a mental disorder. Dr. Hubert Van Gijseghem, psychologist and retired professor at the University of Montreal told Parliament members; "True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation.". Another expert Dr. Vernon Quinsey, professor of psychology at Queen's University in Ontario says; "There is no evidence that this sort of preference can be changed through treatment or anything else...It's not necessarily that they need to change their sexual orientation; they need to learn how to control themselves, with our help."
But I think that with a combinations of hardcore prison sentences, chemical castration and work camps such as Joe Arpaio's we could be free.
**Dang, I'm bad at spelling lol, hope it was informal and interesting :) Please leave your comments.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Obsessed with Anime
Recently I have found myself watching hours of anime, something I could easily find myself wrapped up in - all the artistic drama. But one thing I admire most of the anime I watch, would be the clothes. Although I find the Elisabeth character of The Black Butler to be obnoxious, her clothes are defiantly something to love.
Up until yesterday I was also watching another anime called Durarara, it's amazing show with everything you could possibly wish for in a favorite TV show. But I had to stop watching it because I've gotten up to episode 26, but can not find episode 26 anywhere! So, if anyone has any information on where I could find it, I would be so thankful! :D
I would have to say one of the best lines in all of anime would have to be from The Black Butler episode 3, where the Butler says after Grell threatens to kill himself "There is no need for that. Just think of the horrible mess you would make. It'd take hours to clean up all of the blood....And if you do decide to seek your eternal rest, please see to it outside, would you? And try not to make too big a mess."
Well, back to talk about real life I suppose...My half sister, whom I have not seen since I was like 7 or so, might be coming to live with us, her, her husband, and her two children. Now the situation isn't as messed up as it seems, more of like you just don't have the whole story.. but that's alright, just believe me :) . So yeah, that'll be a total about of 9 people living in my house, her 4, plus the 5 already living here.... Oh well, lol, I've lived in such situations before, it's not all bad :) .
Also, we go back to school on Monday!!!!!! :D *sigh* This vacation has been boring as hell :/ . Seems how I've nearly run out of things to say, I suppose I'll tell about something funny somebody posted on my facebook; "Love is like a fart. If you have to force it, it's probably shit." And while on the subject of things people have said, my favorite anime character of Durarara; Shizuo, in episode mm like 25 or something... anyways, Shizuo came in the door of the doctors house bleeding half to death. The doctors all like "goodness graciousness, what happened to you?!" and Shizuo replied with; "oh, you know...." lol and before that I thought I'd lost my favorite character. Now that's the kind of awesomeness that's just too hard to kill! :D
Up until yesterday I was also watching another anime called Durarara, it's amazing show with everything you could possibly wish for in a favorite TV show. But I had to stop watching it because I've gotten up to episode 26, but can not find episode 26 anywhere! So, if anyone has any information on where I could find it, I would be so thankful! :D
I would have to say one of the best lines in all of anime would have to be from The Black Butler episode 3, where the Butler says after Grell threatens to kill himself "There is no need for that. Just think of the horrible mess you would make. It'd take hours to clean up all of the blood....And if you do decide to seek your eternal rest, please see to it outside, would you? And try not to make too big a mess."
Well, back to talk about real life I suppose...My half sister, whom I have not seen since I was like 7 or so, might be coming to live with us, her, her husband, and her two children. Now the situation isn't as messed up as it seems, more of like you just don't have the whole story.. but that's alright, just believe me :) . So yeah, that'll be a total about of 9 people living in my house, her 4, plus the 5 already living here.... Oh well, lol, I've lived in such situations before, it's not all bad :) .
Also, we go back to school on Monday!!!!!! :D *sigh* This vacation has been boring as hell :/ . Seems how I've nearly run out of things to say, I suppose I'll tell about something funny somebody posted on my facebook; "Love is like a fart. If you have to force it, it's probably shit." And while on the subject of things people have said, my favorite anime character of Durarara; Shizuo, in episode mm like 25 or something... anyways, Shizuo came in the door of the doctors house bleeding half to death. The doctors all like "goodness graciousness, what happened to you?!" and Shizuo replied with; "oh, you know...." lol and before that I thought I'd lost my favorite character. Now that's the kind of awesomeness that's just too hard to kill! :D
Thursday, April 5, 2012
"Catching up"
So, it's been awhile since last writing a blog.. been thinking a bit of what to do my next one about... Also thinking of what to make for dinner. We've got hamburger in the sink thawing, spaghetti sounds easy, but I'm just not in the mood for it.. or I could make tomato soup and grilled cheese, but my sister is really picky and doesn't like tomatoes -_- plus, we don't have bread.
We're on spring break this week, and it being almost over, I can certainly say it's been a bit of a waste of time for me. The most I did was research a little bit for my upcoming persuasive essay for English class, hung out at the mall with friends, and have my friend over for the weekend before she sadly has to go back home in Korea. I've also watched countless American Dad episodes, my new favorite anime Durarara, this old show I used to watch called Bob's Burgers, and two documentaries, one about this guy trying not to get sent to jail for masturbating in a video store over his porn addiction, and another about The New York Times crossword. Yup. And now you see why this country is so educationally delayed; due to wasted time both in the classroom, and time given off to students who don't need it, only to make a waste of time.
Well, I suppose that's it... I've got really nothing else to "catch-up" on, 'cause it's all just mundane everyday stuff.. nothing special :)
We're on spring break this week, and it being almost over, I can certainly say it's been a bit of a waste of time for me. The most I did was research a little bit for my upcoming persuasive essay for English class, hung out at the mall with friends, and have my friend over for the weekend before she sadly has to go back home in Korea. I've also watched countless American Dad episodes, my new favorite anime Durarara, this old show I used to watch called Bob's Burgers, and two documentaries, one about this guy trying not to get sent to jail for masturbating in a video store over his porn addiction, and another about The New York Times crossword. Yup. And now you see why this country is so educationally delayed; due to wasted time both in the classroom, and time given off to students who don't need it, only to make a waste of time.
Well, I suppose that's it... I've got really nothing else to "catch-up" on, 'cause it's all just mundane everyday stuff.. nothing special :)
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