Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

     I do not have a valentine this year, nor have I ever had a valentine lol, but it's okay :) I still give out valentine's day cards to my friends no matter how childish it is! Hell, I'm a junior in high school and I gave out valentine's day cards today, my cards are awesome! They're monster stickers with monster mouths, hair, and accessories to attach to them. It's more of an activity type of card, something to do in class when there's a boring lecture (And yes mother, I pay attention! I made my monster while we watched a movie. And I took all my notes!).
    So, anyways. I had a decent valentines day :)  my bus driver was pretty much on time (she has a horrible habit of being late, one time, she didn't even come! Her sister did, half an hour late!) and she even gave us candy on our ride home! :D But we did have to wait for a train, although that wasn't bad at all, because I got to talk to Jeff longer, some kids were making a big deal about it, pshh, acting like they've really got something to do, right (these ones I am talking about I know for a fact that they have nothing to do in their lives, they just merely like to pretend)! As it being valentine's day, I got candy; a twizzler from Jeremy, a cakepop from my friends cousin, a lollipop from my bus driver, and some candy that I brought to school. I also treated myself to a Little Debbie valentine's cake. :) I do not understand this "holiday". We only use it to express love, cry about being alone, and an excuse to eat junk food, pshhh, damn Americans! XD
     So, I think I shall stop here, because I seem to have run out of things... But remember, it is on my goal list to reach 200 page views on blogger, so, if you could please, please help me out!? Set my link to just wherever, 'cause I know this stuff is at least somewhat interesting on some kind of level! Right? Otherwise how would I have had page views already? And also, remember, love yourself, and who you are and the rest should all just come natural, but also remember to have fun! <3

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