Saturday, December 31, 2011


     Yeah, I've already made one of these, but, well, I forgot the username and stuff.... doesn't it suck when that happens? And then you go back to your e-mail, 'cause maybe you have it saved there, and no, it's not there. You've just got stuff from facebook about pending notifications... no, I have to be honest. I'm like addicted to facebook.. but hey, so are many other young women! Statistics show that about 70% of young women ages 16-35 check their facebook multiple times a day, and then right before they go to bed. That's crazy, but I must say, I'm part of that... lol. So whenever I get in trouble, I lose facebook. It sucks that it has to get to that point, 'cause yeah, it's just not.... - I'm off facebook until I get my geometry grade to a C, at least. I'm not very good at math or science classes, but hey, I've got a B in chemistry! :D  - college level might I add... :)
     So yeah, I'm a pretty good student.. A's and B's. But my best friend Kristen gets A's in literally every class! I miss her so much... I've just recently moved from Maine about 5 months ago to Michigan. And since then, life has been really good! 'Cause back in Maine, we lived in a county called Washington County. Yeah, look it up, it has the highest drug, alcohol, and sex offender rates out of any other place in Maine... It's crazy. And what's really sad, is that whoever is born there, pretty much stays there. They never leave to better places, or rarely do they. For example, my friend Emily, her whole family was born there, only her brother and sister left. And her mother has worked at McDonald's since she was 16, and still works there. Emily got a job there, but she quite because she would have rather spent time with her loser/thief of a boyfriend. Just recently Emily's mother left her father because he didn't have a job (it's really hard to find jobs there!), so he got depressed and killed himself. I ask Emily about it over facebook, like how is she doing and everything, and her response is "fine." WTF?! You're not fine after your dad just killed himself! - And mind you this was just days after it happened...... So yeah, now she's with her new boyfriend, and her mother is still working at McDonald's. If only Emily's mom would move a couple hours aways, and she could give Emily a life that she wouldn't waste away in a county of druggies and losers....